Mail–In Voting Enhancement Act [HB-1047]
Requiring the State Board of Elections to complete a comprehensive report analyzing the election after each statewide election; requiring the report to be posted on the State Board's website and submitted to the General Assembly; requiring that certain guidelines for absentee voting provide for the return of absentee ballots using ballot drop boxes and for voter access to information concerning the status of the voter's absentee ballot; requiring the State Board to ensure that ballot drop boxes are available during a certain period; etc.
HB-1047: Mail–In Voting Enhancement Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Jheanelle Wilkins
Senate Refuses Recede on 04/10/2021
Prince George's County - Payment in Lieu of Taxes Agreements - Low-Income Housing PG 415-21 [HB-1010]
Authorizing the governing body of Prince George's County to enter into an agreement with an owner of real property who is engaged in constructing or operating housing structures or projects for the payment of a negotiated amount in lieu of county property taxes on the property; requiring property that is subject to a payment in lieu of taxes agreement to be used for a housing structure or project that is acquired, constructed, or rehabilitated under certain programs or acquired under a Right of First Refusal program; etc.
HB-1010: Prince George's County - Payment in Lieu of Taxes Agreements - Low-Income Housing PG 415-21
Sponsored by: Rep.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 248 on 05/18/2021
COVID-19 Testing, Contact Tracing, and Vaccination Act of 2021 [SB-741]
Requiring, on or before June 1, 2021, the Maryland Department of Health, in collaboration with local health departments of the State and the Maryland State Department of Education, to adopt and implement a 2-year plan to respond to the outbreak of COVID-19; requiring the plan to address the disproportionate impact of the pandemic on underserved and minority communities in the State; establishing the Maryland Public Health Modernization Workgroup to assess the current public health infrastructure and resources in the State; etc.
SB-741: COVID-19 Testing, Contact Tracing, and Vaccination Act of 2021
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Vetoed By The Governor (policy) on 05/28/2021
Washington County - Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Programs - Essential Caregivers [HB-962]
Requiring each nursing home and assisted living program in Washington County to establish certain policies and procedures authorizing certain visitation from an essential caregiver and relating to the designation and use of an essential caregiver; authorizing nursing homes and assisted living programs to consult with the local health officer when establishing the policies and procedures; etc.
HB-962: Washington County - Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Programs - Essential Caregivers
Sponsored by: Rep. Neil Parrott
Hearing 3/04 At 1:30 P.m. on 02/11/2021
Election Law - Polling Places at Continuing Care Retirement Communities [HB-895]
Requiring local boards of elections to establish separate precincts in continuing care retirement communities of 200 or more individuals who are at least 60 years old specifically to serve at least the residents of those retirement communities if a continuing care retirement community requests a polling place be established on the premises; requiring continuing care retirement community providers to provide certain facilities and services to the local board if a certain polling place is established on the premises; etc.
HB-895: Election Law - Polling Places at Continuing Care Retirement Communities
Sponsored by: Rep. Nino Mangione
Hearing 2/16 At 1:30 P.m. on 02/03/2021
Sheila E. Hixson Behavioral Health Services Matching Grant Program for Service Members and Veterans - Establishment [HB-872]
Establishing the Sheila E. Hixson Behavioral Health Services Matching Grant Program for Service Members and Veterans to provide funds to local nonprofit organizations to establish and expand community behavioral health programs to serve members, veterans, and their families; requiring the Maryland Department of Health to administer the Program and to establish a statewide system to assess the services provided by the nonprofit organizations; authorizing the Governor to provide $2,500,000 in the annual budget bill for the Program; etc.
HB-872: Sheila E. Hixson Behavioral Health Services Matching Grant Program for Service Members and Veterans - Establishment
Sponsored by: Sen. Nick Charles
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 785 on 05/30/2021
Local Health Departments and Community Action Agencies – Feminine Hygiene Products [HB-757]
Requiring local health departments and community action agencies to make available to certain women feminine hygiene products in an amount sufficient to meet the needs of the woman obtaining the feminine hygiene products; and prohibiting local health departments and community action agencies from requiring payment for certain feminine hygiene products.
HB-757: Local Health Departments and Community Action Agencies – Feminine Hygiene Products
Sponsored by: Rep. Heather Bagnall
Hearing 2/23 At 1:30 P.m. on 02/04/2021
Office of the Attorney General - Right to Counsel in Immigration Proceedings Coordinator [HB-750]
Establishing that certain individuals have a right to legal representation in certain immigration proceedings; establishing the Right to Counsel in Immigration Proceedings Coordinator in the Office of the Attorney General to manage services and resources in order to provide all covered individuals with access to certain legal representation; requiring the Coordinator to designate appropriate community groups to provide outreach and education services to individuals and communities impacted by immigration detention; etc.
HB-750: Office of the Attorney General - Right to Counsel in Immigration Proceedings Coordinator
Sponsored by: Rep. Vanessa Atterbeary
Hearing 3/03 At 1:30 P.m. on 01/31/2021
Election Law - Early Voting Centers [HB-745]
Altering the number of early voting centers counties are required to establish; clarifying the process by which one additional early voting center may be established in a county in excess of the number of required to be established; and requiring a local board of elections, in determining the location of centers, to take into account the accessibility of centers to historically disenfranchised communities, proximity to dense concentrations of voters, accessibility by public transportation, and equitable distribution of centers in the county.
HB-745: Election Law - Early Voting Centers
Sponsored by: Rep. Eric Luedtke
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(b) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 43 on 04/09/2021
Workgroup to Evaluate the Establishment of a Regional Waste Disposal Facility [SB-650]
Requiring the Department of the Environment to convene a workgroup to evaluate the establishment of a regional waste disposal facility to serve Anne Arundel County, Baltimore City, Baltimore County, Carroll County, Harford County, and Howard County; providing for the composition of the workgroup; and requiring the workgroup to report certain findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly on or before December 1, 2021.
SB-650: Workgroup to Evaluate the Establishment of a Regional Waste Disposal Facility
Sponsored by: Sen. Katherine Klausmeier
Hearing 2/24 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/10/2021
COVID-19 Testing, Contact Tracing, and Vaccination Act of 2021 [HB-836]
Requiring, on or before June 1, 2021, the Maryland Department of Health, in collaboration with local health departments of the State and the Maryland State Department of Education, to adopt and implement a 2-year plan to respond to the outbreak of COVID-19; requiring the plan to address the disproportionate impact of the pandemic on underserved and minority communities in the State; establishing the Maryland Public Health Modernization Workgroup to assess the current public health infrastructure and resources in the State; etc.
HB-836: COVID-19 Testing, Contact Tracing, and Vaccination Act of 2021
Sponsored by: Rep. Joseline Pena-Melnyk
Vetoed By The Governor (policy) on 05/28/2021
Sheila E. Hixson Behavioral Health Services Matching Grant Program for Service Members and Veterans – Establishment [SB-550]
Establishing the Sheila E. Hixson Behavioral Health Services Matching Grant Program for Service Members and Veterans to provide funds to local nonprofit organizations to establish and expand community behavioral health programs to serve members, veterans, and their families; requiring the Maryland Department of Health to administer the Program and to establish a statewide system to assess the services provided by the nonprofit organizations; authorizing the Governor to provide $2,500,000 in the annual budget bill for the Program; etc.
SB-550: Sheila E. Hixson Behavioral Health Services Matching Grant Program for Service Members and Veterans – Establishment
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 786 on 05/30/2021
Suicide Treatment Improvements Act [SB-557]
Requiring the Maryland Department of Health to provide training for certain staff who assist callers on a certain hotline to ensure that the staff are able to provide counseling for suicidal persons who may be in crisis; requiring certain facilities to ensure that suicidal patients and patients who have attempted suicide are treated in a certain manner; requiring certain facilities to ensure that certain staff act in a certain manner and receive certain training; etc.
SB-557: Suicide Treatment Improvements Act
Sponsored by: Sen. Ronald Young
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/19/2021
Prince George's County - Assisted Living Program Licensing - Notice of Applicant Located in Common Ownership Community PG 401-21 [HB-623]
Requiring the Secretary of Health to notify the county health officer for Prince George's County of a licensure application for an assisted living program that will be located in Prince George's County; requiring the county health officer to determine whether the assisted living program is to be operated within a common ownership community in the county; requiring the county health office to send notice of the application to the county council and the governing body of the common ownership community under certain circumstances; etc.
HB-623: Prince George's County - Assisted Living Program Licensing - Notice of Applicant Located in Common Ownership Community PG 401-21
Sponsored by: Rep.
First Reading Environment And Transportation on 01/22/2021
You have voted HB-623: Prince George's County - Assisted Living Program Licensing - Notice of Applicant Located in Common Ownership Community PG 401-21.
Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance – Coverage and Reimbursement of Telehealth Services [HB-551]
Altering the health care services the Maryland Medical Assistance Program is required to provide through telehealth; requiring the Maryland Department of Health to include certain health care providers and programs when specifying by regulation the types of health care providers eligible to receive certain reimbursement; requiring certain insurers, nonprofit health service plans, and health maintenance organizations to provide certain coverage for certain services delivered through telehealth; etc.
HB-551: Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance – Coverage and Reimbursement of Telehealth Services
Sponsored by: Rep. Heather Bagnall
Hearing 2/10 At 1:30 P.m. on 01/21/2021
Developmental Disabilities Administration - Self-Directed Services [SB-441]
Requiring the Maryland Department of Health to increase by a certain amount certain funding to certain recipients of services funded through the Developmental Disabilities Administration under certain circumstances; requiring the Developmental Disabilities Administration to provide certain recipients of services certain options and services under certain circumstances; establishing the State Advisory Council on Self-Directed Services; etc.
Maryland Health Equity Resource Act [HB-463]
Establishing a Pathways to Health Equity Program in the Community Health Resources Commission to provide the foundation and guidance for a permanent Health Equity Resource Community program; altering the purposes of the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange Fund; requiring the Commission to designate certain areas as Health Equity Resource Communities to target State resources toward reducing health disparities, improving health outcomes and access to primary care, and reducing health care costs; etc.
HB-463: Maryland Health Equity Resource Act
Sponsored by: Rep. Erek Barron
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 742 on 05/30/2021
Real Property – Candidates – Access to Apartment Buildings [HB-515]
Prohibiting a person from preventing a candidate from accessing apartment buildings to campaign for elected office, register voters, or distribute campaign material, except under certain circumstances; authorizing a person to impose certain limitations on the ability of a candidate to access an apartment building or individual dwelling unit; prohibiting a candidate from engaging with residents of an apartment building under certain circumstances; etc.
HB-515: Real Property – Candidates – Access to Apartment Buildings
Sponsored by: Rep. Julie Palakovich Carr
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/20/2021
Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance - Coverage and Reimbursement of Telehealth Services [SB-393]
Altering the health care services the Maryland Medical Assistance Program is required to provide through telehealth; requiring the Maryland Department of Health to include certain health care providers and programs when specifying by regulation the types of health care providers eligible to receive certain reimbursement; requiring certain insurers, nonprofit health service plans, and health maintenance organizations to provide certain coverage for certain services delivered through telehealth; etc.
SB-393: Maryland Medical Assistance Program and Health Insurance - Coverage and Reimbursement of Telehealth Services
Sponsored by: Sen. Malcolm Augustine
First Reading Finance on 01/15/2021
Public Safety - Local Youth Violence Review Committees [SB-406]
Authorizing a county to establish a local youth violence review committee to prevent violence and homicides involving youth assailants and youth victims by promoting cooperation among certain agencies, providing youth services, determining the causes of youth violence, and recommending certain changes; specifying that certain officials may organize a local youth violence review committee; providing the committee with access to certain information; providing that certain records obtained by the committee are confidential; etc.
SB-406: Public Safety - Local Youth Violence Review Committees
Sponsored by: Sen. Malcolm Augustine
Hearing Canceled on 01/27/2021