Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act; amends Act to require SWCB to allow use and development of land. [HB-530]
Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act; local government ordinances; criteria for local governments; Resource Protection Area exceptions. Amends the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act to require the State Water Control Board, in developing criteria for local governments to use as they consider development in Chesapeake Bay Preservation Areas, to allow use and development of land that is reasonable in the circumstances and does not deprive the owner of all economically viable use of the property. The bill also requires a locality subject to the Act to provide
HB-530: Chesapeake Bay Preservation Act; amends Act to require SWCB to allow use and development of land.
Sponsored by: Rep. Patrick Hope
Left In Agriculture, Chesapeake And Natural Resources on 02/13/2024
Uniform Statewide Building Code; Board of HCD to convene advisory group to evaluate. [SB-195]
Board of Housing and Community Development; stakeholder advisory group; report. Directs the Board of Housing and Community Development (the Board) to convene a stakeholder advisory group including fire code officials to evaluate and recommend revisions to the Uniform Statewide Building Code to permit Group R-2 occupancies to be served by a single exit, provided that the building has not more than six stories above grade plane. The bill requires the stakeholder advisory group to submit its findings and recommendations to the Board and to the Chairmen
SB-195: Uniform Statewide Building Code; Board of HCD to convene advisory group to evaluate.
Sponsored by: Sen. Schuyler VanValkenburg
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0385) on 04/04/2024
Contractors, Board for; required regulations and disclosures. [HB-576]
Board for Contractors; required regulations and disclosures. Requires the Board for Contractors to adopt regulations requiring all Class A, B, and C residential contractors, excluding subcontractors to the contracting parties and those who engage in routine maintenance or service contracts, to use legible written contracts that include certain terms and conditions. The bill directs the Board to require a statement of protections be provided by the contractor to the homeowner, consumer, or buyer in transactions involving door-to-door solicitations
HB-576: Contractors, Board for; required regulations and disclosures.
Sponsored by: Rep. Nadarius Clark
Governor: Vetoed By Governor on 05/17/2024
Standards of School Safety; Board of Education, et al., to establish. [HB-495]
Board of Education; Standards of Quality; Standards of School Safety. Requires the Board of Education, in collaboration with the Virginia Center for School and Campus Safety and such other stakeholders as it deems appropriate, to establish pursuant to regulation the Standards of School Safety for the purpose of assessing school safety in each local school division in the Commonwealth and each school building therein based on such objective, quantifiable measures of safety as the Board deems appropriate. The bill requires the Board to incorporate
HB-495: Standards of School Safety; Board of Education, et al., to establish.
Sponsored by: Rep. Thomas Garrett
Left In Education on 02/13/2024
Prescription Drug Affordability Board; established, drug cost affordability review, report. [HB-570]
Prescription Drug Affordability Board established; drug cost affordability review. Establishes the Prescription Drug Affordability Board for the purpose of protecting the citizens of the Commonwealth and other stakeholders within the health care system from the high costs of prescription drug products. The bill requires the Board to meet in open session at least four times annually, with certain exceptions and requirements enumerated in the bill. Members of the Board are required to disclose any conflicts of interest, as described in the bill. The
HB-570: Prescription Drug Affordability Board; established, drug cost affordability review, report.
Sponsored by: Rep. Vivian Watts
House Sustained Governor's Veto on 04/17/2024
Unprofessional conduct; disciplinary action against doctor for providing abortion care, etc. [HB-519]
Board of Medicine; unprofessional conduct. Prohibits the Board of Medicine from taking disciplinary action against a doctor based on the alleged provision or receipt of abortion care that is not prohibited under the laws of the Commonwealth, regardless of where such abortion care was provided or received. The bill also specifies that grounds for refusal to issue a certificate or license to any applicant or to take disciplinary action for procuring or performing an abortion apply to such action only as it is prohibited by the laws of the Commonwealth.
HB-519: Unprofessional conduct; disciplinary action against doctor for providing abortion care, etc.
Sponsored by: Rep. Delores McQuinn
House Sustained Governor's Veto on 04/17/2024
VEC; appeals proceedings, repeals provisions related to appeal tribunals and Board of Review. [HB-543]
Virginia Employment Commission; appeals proceedings; appeal tribunals and Board of Review; repeal. Specifies that any determination made by the Virginia Employment Commission in regards to any amount required to be deducted and withheld from unemployment compensation for purposes of child support obligations is final. The bill contains a number of technical amendments related to the Commission's appeals proceedings. The bill also repeals provisions related to appeal tribunals and the Commission-appointed Board of Review and contains technical amendments.
HB-543: VEC; appeals proceedings, repeals provisions related to appeal tribunals and Board of Review.
Sponsored by: Rep. Wendell Walker
Left In Labor And Commerce on 02/13/2024
Large animal veterinarians; Board of Veterinary Medicine, et al., to study shortage. [SJR-15]
Study; Board of Veterinary Medicine; shortage of large animal veterinarians; report. Directs the Board of Veterinary Medicine, in consultation with the State Veterinarian, to complete a two-year study of the shortage of large animal veterinarians, with technical assistance provided by relevant stakeholders, including a member of the House of Delegates and a member of the Senate of Virginia, to be appointed by the Speaker of the House of Delegates and the Senate Committee on Rules, respectively. Study; Board of Veterinary Medicine; shortage of large
SJR-15: Large animal veterinarians; Board of Veterinary Medicine, et al., to study shortage.
Sponsored by: Sen. Suhas Subramanyam
Bill Text As Passed Senate And House (sj15er) on 03/04/2024
Behavioral Health Commission; changes composition of membership. [SB-125]
Behavioral Health Commission; membership. Changes the composition of the Behavioral Health Commission by increasing from two to three the number of House appointees who are required to be members of the House Committee on Appropriations.
SB-125: Behavioral Health Commission; changes composition of membership.
Sponsored by: Sen. Barbara Favola
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0496) on 04/04/2024
Health Insurance Reform Commission; assessment of certain legislation, report. [SB-132]
Health Insurance Reform Commission; assessment of certain legislation. Requires the Health Insurance Reform Commission, whenever the Chairman of the House Committee on Labor and Commerce or the Senate Committee on Commerce and Labor requests that the Commission assess a legislative measure containing a mandated health insurance benefit or provider, to complete its assessment and submit a report for each such request within 24 months.
SB-132: Health Insurance Reform Commission; assessment of certain legislation, report.
Sponsored by: Sen. Chris Head
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0036) on 03/08/2024
Cumberlands Airport Commission; establishes a new charter, repeals current charter. [HB-460]
Cumberlands Airport Commission. Establishes a new charter for the Cumberlands Airport Commission and repeals the current charter, which was created in 1958. The proposed charter sets out the organization of the Commission and contains powers and duties typically granted for authorities. The bill also removes the Town of Lebanon and the Counties of Lee and Russell from the Commission.
HB-460: Cumberlands Airport Commission; establishes a new charter, repeals current charter.
Sponsored by: Rep. Terry Kilgore
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0192) on 03/28/2024
Professional counselors; Board of Counseling to recognize NCE as a valid examination for licensure. [HB-426]
Board of Counseling; licensure of professional counselors without examination. Directs the Board of Counseling to recognize the National Counselor Examination as a valid examination for licensure as a professional counselor in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Board of Counseling; licensure of professional counselors without examination. Directs the Board of Counseling to recognize the National Counselor Examination as a valid examination for licensure as a professional counselor in the Commonwealth of Virginia.
HB-426: Professional counselors; Board of Counseling to recognize NCE as a valid examination for licensure.
Sponsored by: Rep. Joshua Cole
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0443) on 04/04/2024
Abortion; use of public funds prohibited. [HB-404]
Abortion; use of public funds prohibited. Provides that no agency of the Commonwealth shall enter into any contract with or make any grant of public funds, as defined in the bill, to any entity or any affiliate of any entity that provides abortion services or operates a facility at which abortion services are provided. The bill also repeals provisions authorizing the Board of Health to use state general funds appropriated to the Department of Health to pay the cost of abortions for women who otherwise meet the financial eligibility criteria for
HB-404: Abortion; use of public funds prohibited.
Sponsored by: Rep. Eric Zehr
Read Second Time on 02/12/2024
Electric vehicle charging facilities; infrastructure necessary to support installation. [HB-405]
Commission on Electric Utility Regulation; evaluation of infrastructure necessary for electric vehicle charging facilities. Directs the State Corporation Commission and the Department of Housing and Community Development to provide technical assistance to the Commission on Electric Utility Regulation (the Commission) if the Commission evaluates the design and deployment of the electrical distribution infrastructure necessary to support the installation of electric vehicle charging facilities in new developments consisting of single-family and multifamily
HB-405: Electric vehicle charging facilities; infrastructure necessary to support installation.
Sponsored by: Rep. Vivian Watts
House Sustained Governor's Veto on 04/17/2024
Electric utilities; development of renewable energy facilities, etc. [HB-397]
Regulation of electric utilities; development of renewable energy facilities; powers of State Air Pollution Control Board; powers of State Corporation Commission. Repeals provisions (i) requiring the State Air Pollution Control Board to adopt regulations to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from any electricity generating unit in the Commonwealth and authorizing the Board to establish an auction program for energy allowances; (ii) prohibiting the State Corporation Commission from approving any new utility-owned generation facilities that emit carbon
HB-397: Electric utilities; development of renewable energy facilities, etc.
Sponsored by: Rep. Timothy Griffin
Left In Labor And Commerce on 02/13/2024
Virginia Minority Business Commission; established, membership, report, sunset date. [HB-374]
Virginia Minority Business Commission; report; sunset. Establishes the 13-member Virginia Minority Business Commission in the legislative branch of government for the purpose of promoting the growth and competitiveness of Virginia minority-owned businesses. The bill provides that the Commission sunsets on July 1, 2028. Virginia Minority Business Commission; report; sunset. Establishes the 13-member Virginia Minority Business Commission in the legislative branch of government for the purpose of promoting the growth and competitiveness of Virginia
HB-374: Virginia Minority Business Commission; established, membership, report, sunset date.
Sponsored by: Rep. Paul Krizek
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0527) on 04/05/2024
Uniform Statewide Building Code; Board of HCD to convene advisory group to evaluate. [HB-368]
Board of Housing and Community Development; stakeholder advisory group; report. Directs the Board of Housing and Community Development (the Board) to convene a stakeholder advisory group including fire code officials to evaluate and recommend revisions to the Uniform Statewide Building Code to permit Group R-2 occupancies to be served by a single exit, provided that the building has not more than six stories above grade plane. The bill requires the stakeholder advisory group to submit its findings and recommendations to the Board and to the Chairmen
HB-368: Uniform Statewide Building Code; Board of HCD to convene advisory group to evaluate.
Sponsored by: Rep. Betsy Carr
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0384) on 04/04/2024
Public pools; Board of Health to adopt regulations. [HB-354]
Public pools; regulations. Directs the Board of Health to adopt regulations governing swimming pools and other water recreational facilities operated for public use, including swimming pools and other water recreational facilities operated in conjunction with a tourist facility or health spa.
HB-354: Public pools; Board of Health to adopt regulations.
Sponsored by: Rep. Patrick Hope
House Sustained Governor's Veto on 04/17/2024
Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, etc., Bd. for; quorum & signature requirements. [HB-350]
Department of Professional and Occupational Regulation; Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers and Landscape Architects; quorum and signature requirements. Lowers the quorum requirement for the Board for Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, Certified Interior Designers and Landscape Architects of two engineers, two architects, and two land surveyors to at least one engineer, one architect, and one land surveyor. The bill removes the requirement that licenses issued by the Board be
HB-350: Architects, Professional Engineers, Land Surveyors, etc., Bd. for; quorum & signature requirements.
Sponsored by: Rep. David Owen
Governor: Acts Of Assembly Chapter Text (chap0383) on 04/04/2024