Income Tax - Film Production Activity Tax Credit - Small or Independent Film Entities [SB-20]
Authorizing a Maryland small or independent film entity to qualify as a film production entity under certain circumstances; altering a certain audit requirement to apply only to an entity with total direct costs that exceed $500,000; altering the amount of certain tax credit certificates that the Secretary of Commerce may issue under certain circumstances; etc.
SB-20: Income Tax - Film Production Activity Tax Credit - Small or Independent Film Entities
Sponsored by: Sen. Joanne Benson
Hearing 1/24 At 2:15 P.m. on 01/24/2018
Small Business Relief Tax Credit [SB-134]
Authorizing a tax credit against the State income tax for certain small businesses that provide to qualified employees paid earned sick and safe leave that is paid at the same rate as the qualified employee normally earns and meets or exceeds certain requirements; making the credit refundable; providing that the total amount of tax credit certificates issued by the Department may not exceed $5,000,000 for any taxable year; applying the Act to all taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017; etc.
SB-134: Small Business Relief Tax Credit
Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Miller
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 571 on 05/15/2018
Income Tax – Film Production Activity Tax Credit – Alterations [SB-1154]
Altering the definition of "film production activity" to include each season of a television series; excluding certain activities from eligibility for the film production tax credit program; authorizing a Maryland small or independent film entity to qualify as a film production entity; prohibiting the Secretary of Commerce from issuing tax credit certificates in excess of $10,000,000 for a single film production activity; requiring the Secretary to make 10% of the credit amount authorized available to Maryland small film entities; etc.
SB-1154: Income Tax – Film Production Activity Tax Credit – Alterations
Sponsored by: Sen. Ulysses Currie
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 595 on 05/15/2018
Income Tax - Biotechnology Investment Incentive Tax Credit - Alteration [SB-1151]
Altering the definition of "qualified Maryland biotechnology company" to repeal certain limitations on the period of time for which a company may have been in active business for purposes of eligibility for the biotechnology tax credit; declaring the intent of the General Assembly that the credit will encourage private sector investment in Maryland biotechnology companies; altering a certain limitation on the aggregate credits that the Secretary of Commerce may certify for certain investments; applying the Act; etc.
Small Business Relief Tax Credit [HB-99]
Authorizing a tax credit against the State income tax for certain small businesses that provide certain employer benefits to qualified employees; providing for the calculation of the credit; requiring the Department of Commerce to issue a tax credit certificate under certain circumstances; providing that the total amount of tax credit certificates issued by the Department may not exceed a certain amount for each taxable year; making the Act contingent on the taking effect of another Act; etc.
HB-99: Small Business Relief Tax Credit
Sponsored by: Rep. The Speaker
Hearing 2/21 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/21/2018
Promoting ext-Raordinary Innovation in Maryland's Economy (PRIME Act) [HB-989]
Establishing the Promoting ext-Raordinary Innovation in Maryland's Economy Program within the Department of Commerce to provide certain Fortune 100 companies tax credits and benefits for up to 10 years; requiring the Department to administer the Program; establishing the application and eligibility requirements for a business entity to qualify for tax credits and benefits under the Program; authorizing a credit against the State income tax for certain income of business entities certified under the Program; etc.
HB-989: Promoting ext-Raordinary Innovation in Maryland's Economy (PRIME Act)
Sponsored by: Rep. Kumar Barve
Hearing 2/28 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/28/2018
Income Tax Credit - Individuals Working in STEM Fields - Student Loan Payments [HB-860]
Authorizing a credit against the State income tax for the amount certain individuals pay toward certain student loans during the taxable year; providing for the carryforward of the credit; authorizing certain individuals, on or before December 1 each year, to apply to the Department of Commerce for the credit; requiring the application to contain certain information; requiring the Department and the Maryland Higher Education Commission jointly to review the applications and award the tax credits; applying the Act; etc.
HB-860: Income Tax Credit - Individuals Working in STEM Fields - Student Loan Payments
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Hearing 3/08 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/08/2018
Solid Waste Management and Recycling – Mattresses and Box Springs [HB-850]
Requiring a certain county plan to designate, on or before July 1, 2019, an appropriate agency of the county to be responsible for creating a workable plan to address the disposal of mattresses and box springs and the expansion and development of certain businesses for certain purposes; requiring the Office of Recycling within the Department of the Environment to encourage certain programs that divert mattresses and box springs from disposal in landfills and incinerators; etc.
HB-850: Solid Waste Management and Recycling – Mattresses and Box Springs
Sponsored by: Rep. Talmadge Branch
Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation on 03/17/2018
Income Tax - Film Production Activity Tax Credit - Small or Independent Film Entities [HB-616]
Authorizing a Maryland small or independent film entity to qualify as a film production entity under certain circumstances; altering a certain audit requirement to apply only to an entity with total direct costs that exceed $500,000; altering the amount of certain tax credit certificates that the Secretary of Commerce may issue under certain circumstances; etc.
HB-616: Income Tax - Film Production Activity Tax Credit - Small or Independent Film Entities
Sponsored by: Rep. Frank Turner
Hearing 3/27 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/27/2018
Higher Education - Maryland Technology Internship Program - Alterations [HB-527]
Altering the Maryland Technology Internship Program to include certain technology-based internships with units of State and local governments; requiring that at least 50% of the internships supported by the Program each year be with businesses of 150 employees or less; establishing requirements for a unit of State or local government to participate in the Program; providing for reimbursement of up to 50% of a stipend paid to an intern; authorizing certain maximum reimbursement amounts under certain circumstances; etc.
HB-527: Higher Education - Maryland Technology Internship Program - Alterations
Sponsored by: Rep. Adrienne Jones
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 364 on 05/08/2018
Income Tax - Angel Investor Tax Credit Program [HB-526]
Allowing a credit against the State income tax for 50% of an investment made in a qualified innovation business, not to exceed $50,000, or $100,000 for a qualified investor that is a married couple filing jointly or a pass-through entity; requiring a qualified investor to meet certain requirements in order to be eligible for the credit; requiring the Department of Commerce to administer the credit; applying the Act to certain taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017; etc.
HB-526: Income Tax - Angel Investor Tax Credit Program
Sponsored by: Rep. Carolyn Howard
Hearing 2/14 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/14/2018
Income Tax - Research and Development Credit - Small Business Set-Aside [HB-521]
Requiring the Department of Commerce to make available 20% of the total amount of research and development tax credits that the Department may approve in a calendar year to small businesses; providing for the use of certain unused credits; providing for the calculation of the credit if more than a certain amount of credits are applied for in a calendar year; applying the Act to all research and development tax credits certified after December 15, 2017; etc.
HB-521: Income Tax - Research and Development Credit - Small Business Set-Aside
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Hearing 2/14 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/14/2018
CyberMaryland Act of 2018 [HB-364]
Allowing a subtraction modification under the State income tax for certain capital gain income realized on the disposition of an investment in a certain cybersecurity company; authorizing certain buyers of certain technology to claim a credit against the State income tax equal to 50% of certain costs incurred to purchase certain technology; requiring the Secretary of Commerce to approve certain applications for the credits; applying the Act to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017; etc.
HB-364: CyberMaryland Act of 2018
Sponsored by: Rep. Tony McConkey
Hearing 2/21 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/21/2018
More Jobs for Marylanders Act 2.0 [HB-363]
Altering the definition of "qualified distressed county" by altering certain income levels in the definition and renaming it to be "Tier I county"; altering the scope of eligible projects for which a business entity may apply to enroll in the More Jobs for Marylanders Program; altering the types of businesses authorized to receive certain credits and benefits under the Program; authorizing a certain county to select certain activities for eligibility for the Program; etc.
HB-363: More Jobs for Marylanders Act 2.0
Sponsored by: Rep. Tony McConkey
Hearing 2/28 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/28/2018
Biotechnology Investment Tax Credit - Approval of Applications - Competitive Award Process [HB-1763]
Requiring that applications for a credit against the State income tax for investments in biotechnology companies be awarded on a competitive basis; requiring the Department of Commerce to develop certain criteria for the approval of applications for the tax credit that are based on certain criteria used to award financial assistance under certain programs; applying the Act to all biotechnology investment tax credit certificates issued on or after June 30, 2018; etc.
HB-1763: Biotechnology Investment Tax Credit - Approval of Applications - Competitive Award Process
Sponsored by: Rep. James Tarlau
First Reading House Rules And Executive Nominations on 02/22/2018
Department of Commerce - Harford Memorial Hospital Closure - Economic Impact Study [HB-1621]
Requiring the Department of Commerce to conduct a study on the economic impact of the closure of Harford Memorial Hospital in Havre de Grace and the transfer of its services to another location; requiring the Department to conduct the study in a certain manner; requiring the Department to develop a revitalization plan for the City in a certain manner; requiring the Department to report certain findings and information to certain committees on or before December 1, 2018; and terminating the Act after June 30, 2019.
HB-1621: Department of Commerce - Harford Memorial Hospital Closure - Economic Impact Study
Sponsored by: Rep. Glen Glass
Hearing 3/02 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/02/2018
Department of Commerce – Employment in the State’s Defense Industry – Study [HB-1542]
Requiring, subject to the receipt of certain funding, the Department of Commerce, in conjunction with the Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation, to conduct a study on employment in the State's defense industry; specifying the minimum requirements of the study; requiring the Department of Commerce to consult with certain entities; requiring the Department of Commerce to report, on or before June 30, 2019, to the General Assembly on the findings of the study; etc.
HB-1542: Department of Commerce – Employment in the State’s Defense Industry – Study
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 795 on 05/15/2018
Income Tax - Research and Development Tax Credit - Alterations [HB-1450]
Increasing from $12 million to $14 million the total amount of research and development tax credits that the Department of Commerce may approve in a calendar year; requiring the Department to make available 25% of the total amount of credits that the Department may approve in a calendar year to small businesses; providing for the use of certain unused credits; altering the definition of "small business"; applying the Act to all Maryland research and development credits certified after December 15, 2017; etc.
HB-1450: Income Tax - Research and Development Tax Credit - Alterations
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Hearing 3/07 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/07/2018
Income Tax - Film Production Activity Tax Credit - Alterations [HB-1449]
Excluding certain activities from eligibility for the film production activity tax credit program; altering the definition of "direct costs" to exclude compensation for certain film production employees; repealing the Maryland Film Production Activity Tax Credit Reserve Fund; providing that the Secretary of Commerce may not issue certain tax credit certificates greater than $30,000,000 in each of fiscal years 2019 through 2021; applying the Act to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2017; etc.
HB-1449: Income Tax - Film Production Activity Tax Credit - Alterations
Sponsored by: Rep. Sheila Hixson
Hearing 3/07 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/07/2018
Alcoholic Beverages - Maryland Beer and Brewery Promotion Program - Establishment [HB-1370]
Establishing the Maryland Beer and Brewery Promotion Program in the Department of Commerce; providing for the purposes of the Program; establishing qualifications for participation in the Program; requiring an applicant to submit a certain application; authorizing the Program to provide certain grants to certain nonprofit organizations and government agencies, subject to a certain limitation; establishing the Maryland Beer and Brewery Promotion Fund as a special, nonlapsing fund; etc.
HB-1370: Alcoholic Beverages - Maryland Beer and Brewery Promotion Program - Establishment
Sponsored by: Rep. Haven Shoemaker
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/15/2018