Collective Security

US Congress 117th Congress

Condemning and opposing unprovoked invasion and egregious act of aggression against sovereign state of Ukraine by the Russian Federation. [HR-943]
Condemning and opposing unprovoked invasion and egregious act of aggression against sovereign state of Ukraine by the Russian Federation.


Sponsored by: Rep. Steve Cohen Referred To The Subcommittee On Aviation. on 02/28/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

Russian Travel Sanctions for a Democratic Ukraine Act [HB-6853]
To provide for the imposition of sanctions on certain citizens of the Russian Federation and their family members as a result of the Russian Federation's invasion of Ukraine.


Sponsored by: Rep. Alexander Mooney Referred To The Subcommittee On Immigration And Citizenship. on 11/01/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

SUPPORT Act Supplying Ukraine with Provisions to Protect against Ongoing Russian Threats Act [HB-6777]
To establish the policy of the United States with respect to supporting an insurgency in Ukraine in the event of an invasion of Ukraine by Russia, and for other purposes.


Sponsored by: Rep. Sean Maloney Introduced In House on 02/18/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022 [HB-6753]
To provide enhanced authority for the President to enter into agreements with the Government of Ukraine to lend or lease defense articles to that Government to protect civilian populations in Ukraine from Russian military invasion, and for other purposes.


Sponsored by: Rep. Steve Cohen Introduced In House on 02/18/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

A resolution supporting an independent and democratic Ukraine against any further Russian military invasion, and for other purposes. [SR-519]
A resolution supporting an independent and democratic Ukraine against any further Russian military invasion, and for other purposes.


Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Collins Submitted In The Senate, Considered, And Agreed To Without Amendment And With A Preamble By Voice Vote. on 02/17/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

Never Yielding Europe’s Territory (NYET) Act of 2022 Energy Security Cooperation with Allied Partners in Europe Act Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022 [HB-6742]
To counter the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and Eastern European allies, to expedite security assistance to Ukraine, to bolster its defense capabilities and those of allies and partners in the region, to impose sanctions relating to the actions of the Russian Federation with respect to Ukraine, and for other purposes.


Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Wittman Referred To The Subcommittee On The Constitution, Civil Rights, And Civil Liberties. on 11/01/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

Midland Over Moscow Act [HB-6748]
To impose sanctions with respect to the Nord Stream 2 pipeline and for other purposes.


Sponsored by: Rep. Mike Johnson Referred To The Subcommittee On Immigration And Citizenship. on 11/01/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

Never Yielding Europe’s Territory (NYET) Act of 2022 Energy Security Cooperation with Allied Partners in Europe Act Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022 [S.3652]
A bill to counter the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and Eastern European allies, to expedite security assistance to Ukraine to bolster Ukraine's defense capabilities, and to impose sanctions relating to the actions of the Russian Federation with respect to Ukraine, and for other purposes.


Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Collins Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Foreign Relations. on 02/15/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

Belarus Aggression Accountability Act of 2022 [S.3640]
A bill to require the imposition of sanctions with respect to persons that aid or assist the Russian Federation in acts of military aggression toward Ukraine.


Sponsored by: Sen. James Lankford Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Foreign Relations. on 02/10/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

A resolution celebrating 100 years of diplomatic relations between the United States and the Baltic States. [SR-499]
A resolution celebrating 100 years of diplomatic relations between the United States and the Baltic States.


Sponsored by: Sen. Jack Reed Passed Senate Without Amendment And With A Preamble By Voice Vote. on 05/26/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

Defending Ukraine Sovereignty Act of 2022 [HB-6470]
To counter the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and Eastern European allies, to expedite security assistance to Ukraine to bolster Ukraine's defense capabilities, and to impose sanctions relating to the actions of the Russian Federation with respect to Ukraine, and for other purposes.


Sponsored by: Rep. Gerald Connolly Referred To The Subcommittee On Immigration And Citizenship. on 11/01/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

Ukraine Democracy Defense Lend-Lease Act of 2022 [S.3522]
A bill to provide enhanced authority for the President to enter into agreements with the Government of Ukraine to lend or lease defense articles to that Government to protect civilian populations in Ukraine from Russian military invasion, and for other purposes.


Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Collins Became Public Law No: 117-118. (txt | Pdf) on 05/09/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

Defending Ukraine Sovereignty Act of 2022 [S.3488]
A bill to counter the aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and Eastern European allies, to expedite security assistance to Ukraine to bolster Ukraine's defense capabilities, and to impose sanctions relating to the actions of the Russian Federation with respect to Ukraine, and for other purposes.


Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey Read The Second Time. Placed On Senate Legislative Calendar Under General Orders. Calendar No. 251. on 01/18/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

Guaranteeing Ukrainian Autonomy by Reinforcing its Defense (GUARD) Act of 2022 [HB-6367]
To promote security partnership with Ukraine.


Sponsored by: Rep. Alexander Mooney Referred To The Subcommittee On Immigration And Citizenship. on 11/01/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

Protecting Europe's Energy Security Implementation Act [S.3436]
A bill to require the imposition of sanctions with respect to entities responsible for the planning, construction, or operation of the Nord Stream 2 pipeline and their corporate officers and to apply congressional review under the Countering America's Adversaries Through Sanctions Act to the removal of sanctions relating to Nord Stream 2, and for other purposes.


Sponsored by: Sen. James Risch Measure Laid Before Senate By Unanimous Consent. on 01/13/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

A resolution to support an independent and democratic Ukraine against any further Russian military invasion, and for other purposes. [SR-480]
A resolution to support an independent and democratic Ukraine against any further Russian military invasion, and for other purposes.


Sponsored by: Sen. Robert Casey Referred To The Committee On Foreign Relations. on 12/16/2021

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US Congress 117th Congress

Guaranteeing Ukrainian Autonomy by Reinforcing its Defense (GUARD) Act of 2021 [S.3407]
A bill to promote security partnership with Ukraine.


Sponsored by: Sen. Rob Portman Read Twice And Referred To The Committee On Foreign Relations. on 12/15/2021

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US Congress 117th Congress

Calling on the United States Government to uphold the founding democratic principles of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and establish a Center for Democratic Resilience within the headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. [HR-831]
Calling on the United States Government to uphold the founding democratic principles of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization and establish a Center for Democratic Resilience within the headquarters of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.


Sponsored by: Rep. Gerald Connolly Mr. Connolly Moved To Suspend The Rules And Agree To The Resolution, As Amended. on 04/05/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

A resolution commemorating the 80th anniversary of the dedication of Sheppard Air Force Base and the 40th anniversary of the creation of the Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training Program. [SR-424]
A resolution commemorating the 80th anniversary of the dedication of Sheppard Air Force Base and the 40th anniversary of the creation of the Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training Program.


Sponsored by: Sen. John Cornyn Senate Committee On Armed Services Discharged By Unanimous Consent. (consideration: Cr S578) on 02/08/2022

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US Congress 117th Congress

Commemorating the 80th anniversary of the dedication of Sheppard Air Force Base and the 40th anniversary of the creation of the Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training Program. [HR-728]
Commemorating the 80th anniversary of the dedication of Sheppard Air Force Base and the 40th anniversary of the creation of the Euro-NATO Joint Jet Pilot Training Program.


Sponsored by: Rep. Ronny Jackson Referred To The Subcommittee On Europe, Energy, The Environment And Cyber. on 10/20/2021

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