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Explain SB-169: Local Omnibus Changes × Sponsored by: Sen. Steven Jarvis Ch. Sl 2023-118 on 09/13/2023
You have voted SB-169: Local Omnibus Changes.
Explain SB-166: 2024 Bldg. Code Regulatory Reform × Sponsored by: Sen. Joyce Krawiec Ch. Sl 2024-49 on 09/11/2024
You have voted SB-166: 2024 Bldg. Code Regulatory Reform.
Explain HB-198: DOT Legislative Changes.-AB × Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Wray Ch. Sl 2024-15 on 06/27/2024
You have voted HB-198: DOT Legislative Changes.-AB.
Explain HB-201: Retirement Admin. Changes Act of 2023-AB × Sponsored by: Rep. Shelly Willingham Ch. Sl 2023-105 on 07/25/2023
You have voted HB-201: Retirement Admin. Changes Act of 2023-AB.
Explain HB-199: DMV Proposed Legislative Changes.-AB × Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Wray Ch. Sl 2024-30 on 07/03/2024
You have voted HB-199: DMV Proposed Legislative Changes.-AB.
Explain HB-203: DST Technical Corrections.-AB × Sponsored by: Rep. Carson Smith Ch. Sl 2023-89 on 07/10/2023
You have voted HB-203: DST Technical Corrections.-AB.
Explain HB-192: 2023 Wildlife Resources Changes.-AB × Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Wray Ch. Sl 2023-69 on 06/30/2023
You have voted HB-192: 2023 Wildlife Resources Changes.-AB.
Explain HB-193: AOC Ct Changes/Amd Expunction × Sponsored by: Rep. James Clampitt Ch. Sl 2023-103 on 07/21/2023
You have voted HB-193: AOC Ct Changes/Amd Expunction.
Explain SB-157: Limited Provisional License Modification × Sponsored by: Sen. Ralph Hise Ch. Sl 2023-13 on 05/06/2023
You have voted SB-157: Limited Provisional License Modification.
Explain HB-190: Dept. of Health and Human Services Revisions.-AB × Sponsored by: Rep. Larry Potts Ch. Sl 2023-65 on 06/29/2023
You have voted HB-190: Dept. of Health and Human Services Revisions.-AB.
Explain HB-186: Juv Just Mods/DOI Expenses/Tech Changes × Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Davis Ch. Sl 2023-114 on 08/24/2023
You have voted HB-186: Juv Just Mods/DOI Expenses/Tech Changes.
Explain HB-173: Treasury Administrative Changes Act.-AB × Sponsored by: Rep. Stephen Ross Ch. Sl 2023-93 on 07/10/2023
You have voted HB-173: Treasury Administrative Changes Act.-AB.
Explain HB-184: Maggie Valley Dev. Auth × Sponsored by: Rep. Steven Pless Ch. Sl 2023-99 on 07/13/2023
You have voted HB-184: Maggie Valley Dev. Auth.
Explain HB-174: W-S/Forsyth Bd. of Ed./Rural Hall Even-Year × Sponsored by: Rep. Donny Lambeth Ch. Sl 2023-31 on 06/07/2023
You have voted HB-174: W-S/Forsyth Bd. of Ed./Rural Hall Even-Year.
Explain HB-181: Unclaimed Property Division Changes.-AB × Sponsored by: Rep. Marvin Lucas Ch. Sl 2023-88 on 07/10/2023
You have voted HB-181: Unclaimed Property Division Changes.-AB.
Explain HB-166: American Indians Graduating with Honors Act × Sponsored by: Rep. Donna White Ch. Sl 2023-43 on 06/14/2023
You have voted HB-166: American Indians Graduating with Honors Act.
Explain HB-168: DNCR Agency Bill.-AB × Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Wray Ch. Sl 2023-70 on 06/30/2023
You have voted HB-168: DNCR Agency Bill.-AB.
Explain HJR-157: State of the State Invitation × Sponsored by: Rep. Mary Belk Ch. Res 2023-3 on 03/01/2023
You have voted HJR-157: State of the State Invitation.
Explain HB-155: Titles for Off-Road Veh./Low Speed Veh. Insp × Sponsored by: Rep. Larry Potts Ch. Sl 2024-46 on 09/09/2024
You have voted HB-155: Titles for Off-Road Veh./Low Speed Veh. Insp.
Explain SB-135: Registered Vet. Tech. Modification × Sponsored by: Sen. William Rabon Ch. Sl 2023-81 on 07/07/2023
You have voted SB-135: Registered Vet. Tech. Modification.