Election Law - Campaign Finance - Requirements [HB-1285]
Requiring the chairman and treasurer of a campaign finance entity to provide electronic mail addresses of the chairman and treasurer to the State Board of Elections and notify the State Board of a change in the electronic mail addresses by a specified date if the chairman and treasurer consent to receiving specified notice only by electronic mail; etc.
HB-1285: Election Law - Campaign Finance - Requirements
Sponsored by: Rep. Jon Cardin
Approved By The Governor on 05/02/2012
Election Law - Campaign Contributors - Occupation and Employer [HB-1103]
Requiring the treasurer to include in a campaign finance report the occupation and employer of an individual who makes contributions to the campaign finance entity of a cumulative amount of $500 or more in an election cycle; requiring the State Board of Elections to provide specified notice to a treasurer of a campaign finance entity if a contributor makes cumulative contributions exceeding a specified amount during a specified period; etc.
HB-1103: Election Law - Campaign Contributors - Occupation and Employer
Sponsored by: Rep. Jon Cardin
Approved By The Governor on 05/02/2012
Election Law - Campaign Finance Entities - Retention of Records [HB-1098]
Altering record retention requirements applicable to campaign finance entities by requiring that the account books and related records of a campaign finance entity be preserved until the earlier of 10 years after the creation of the record or 2 years after the campaign finance entity files a final campaign finance report.
HB-1098: Election Law - Campaign Finance Entities - Retention of Records
Sponsored by: Rep. Jon Cardin
First Reading Ways And Means on 02/10/2012
Election Law - Campaign Finance Entities - Retention of Records [HB-1007]
Altering record retention requirements applicable to campaign finance entities by requiring that the account books and related records of a campaign finance entity be preserved until the earlier of 10 years after the creation of the record or 2 years after the campaign finance entity files a final campaign finance report.
HB-1007: Election Law - Campaign Finance Entities - Retention of Records
Sponsored by: Rep. Jon Cardin
Approved By The Governor on 05/02/2012
Election Law - Commission to Study Campaign Finance Law [SJR-4]
Creating a Commission to Study Campaign Finance Law; specifying the composition, powers, and duties of the Commission; providing for the staffing of the Commission; requiring the Commission to report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly by specified dates; providing for the termination of the Commission; etc.
SJR-4: Election Law - Commission to Study Campaign Finance Law
Sponsored by: Sen. Roy Dyson
Re-referred Ways And Means on 04/09/2011
Prince George's County - Public Ethics Requirements - Limitations on [SB-902]
Prohibiting payments to slates that include a member of the County Council for Prince George's County or the Prince George's County Executive during the pendency of specified land use applications; altering the restriction on participation in specified planning and zoning matters by a member of the County Council for Prince George's County who received a specified political contribution or who belonged to a slate that received a specified contribution within a specified time period; etc.
SB-902: Prince George's County - Public Ethics Requirements - Limitations on
Sponsored by: Sen. Thomas Miller
Approved By The Governor on 04/12/2011
Election Law - Online Voter Registration [SB-806]
Authorizing an individual to apply to become a registered voter through an online voter registration system; authorizing the State Board of Elections to operate an online voter registration system that allows an individual to apply to register to vote and make specified changes in the individual's existing voter registration record; requiring an individual who applies to register to vote through the online voter registration system to follow specified procedures and provide specified information; etc.
SB-806: Election Law - Online Voter Registration
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Approved By The Governor on 05/10/2011
Campaign Finance Entities - Slates - Membership and Campaign Finance Transfers [SB-758]
Requiring a member of a slate to be removed from the slate under specified circumstances; requiring the treasurer of a slate to notify the State Board of Elections, within a specified time period of discovering that a member is required to be removed from the slate, that the member be removed; altering the exemption from transfer limits for transfers between a slate and the campaign finance entities of its members; requiring a slate to include specified information in its campaign finance reports; etc.
Election Law - Electronic Media - Electronic Contributions and Expenditures [SB-757]
Repealing requirements that a campaign finance entity make a disbursement only by check; requiring a campaign finance entity to make a disbursement by specified methods; requiring an electronic method of making a disbursement that the State Board authorizes by regulation to satisfy specified requirements; repealing a requirement that a contribution in excess of $100 be made only by check or credit card; requiring that a contribution be made by specified methods; etc.
SB-757: Election Law - Electronic Media - Electronic Contributions and Expenditures
Sponsored by: Sen. Jamin Raskin
Approved By The Governor on 05/10/2011
Insurance - Surplus Lines [SB-694]
Requiring the Maryland Insurance Commissioner to participate in a specified database; altering the authority of the Commissioner to allow a commercial insured to waive specified search requirements for surplus lines coverage for specified purposes; authorizing a surplus lines broker not to perform a diligent search when placing specified coverage with an exempt commercial purchaser under specified circumstances; etc.
SB-694: Insurance - Surplus Lines
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Approved By The Governor on 05/19/2011
Campaign Finance - Affiliated Entities - Attribution of Contributions [SB-663]
Requiring that contributions by two or more business entities be considered as being made by one contributor under specified circumstances; requiring that contributions by a specified number of entities be considered as being made by one contributor under specified circumstances; and defining a specified term.
SB-663: Campaign Finance - Affiliated Entities - Attribution of Contributions
Sponsored by: Sen. Allan Kittleman
Hearing 3/10 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/09/2011
Public Funding and Small Donor Act for General Assembly Elections [SB-657]
Creating a public financing system for General Assembly candidates; repealing the Public Financing Act for gubernatorial candidates; altering limits on contributions and transfers, as specified; providing that specified contributions be considered as being made by one contributor; authorizing the governing body of a county to enact laws to regulate public campaign finance activity for county elective offices and candidates for those offices, as specified; specifying expenditure limits for participating candidates; etc.
SB-657: Public Funding and Small Donor Act for General Assembly Elections
Sponsored by: Sen. Nancy King
Hearing 3/10 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/09/2011
Campaign Finance Entities - Loans - Reporting Requirement and Penalties [SB-605]
Requiring a campaign finance entity that receives a loan under a specified provision of law to report the receipt of the loan to the State Board of Elections within 24 hours of receipt; requiring the State Board to post specified information concerning the loan on the State Board Web site within 24 hours of notice; providing that penalties assessed for a violation of campaign contribution limits may be assessed against a lender, the candidate whose campaign finance entity received the loan, or both, as specified; etc.
Election Law - Independent Expenditures - Reporting [SB-592]
Altering the definition of "independent expenditure" to include independent expenditures relating to ballot issues; requiring a person to file an independent expenditure report on a specified date when the person makes aggregate independent expenditures of more than $10,000 in an election cycle on campaign material that is a public communication; etc.
SB-592: Election Law - Independent Expenditures - Reporting
Sponsored by: Sen. John Astle
Hearing 3/16 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/16/2011
Anne Arundel County - Automated Political Telephone Calls - Prohibition [SB-527]
Prohibiting a person from placing or causing to have placed an automated telephone call to a residential telephone number in Anne Arundel County that is registered on the national do-not-call registry with the purpose of promoting a political candidate or advertising, campaigning, or soliciting donations for or against a political candidate, or relating to a political issue; etc.
SB-527: Anne Arundel County - Automated Political Telephone Calls - Prohibition
Sponsored by: Sen. Bryan Simonaire
Hearing 3/1 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/09/2011
Elections - Candidates for Judicial Offices - Certificates of Candidacy and [SB-52]
Prohibiting, under specified circumstances, a judge from filing a certificate of candidacy for judicial office more than 2 years before the general election for the judicial office; prohibiting, under specified circumstances, a judge from establishing, or causing to be established, a campaign finance entity more than 2 years before the general election for a judicial office; and applying the Act to a judge of the circuit court for a county and a judge of the Orphans' Court for a county.
SB-52: Elections - Candidates for Judicial Offices - Certificates of Candidacy and
Sponsored by: Sen. Joan Conway
Hearing 1/25 At 3:45 P.m. on 01/19/2011
Election Law - Independent Expenditures - Reporting and Disclosure Requirements [SB-446]
Requiring a business entity or nonprofit organization that makes specified independent expenditures to file an independent expenditures report at times and locations required by specified provisions of law; requiring the report to include specified information and be signed by a specified individual; applying specified sanctions to a business entity or nonprofit organization that fails to file a specified report; etc.
SB-446: Election Law - Independent Expenditures - Reporting and Disclosure Requirements
Sponsored by: Sen. Joan Conway
Unfavorable Report By Education Health And Environmental Affairs Withdrawn on 03/14/2011
Campaign Finance - Affiliated Business Entities - Attribution of Contributions [SB-339]
Requiring that campaign finance contributions by two or more business entities be attributed to one business entity if one is a wholly owned subsidiary of another or if the business entities are owned or controlled by at least 80% of the same individuals; defining the term "business entity" to include a corporation, a general or limited partnership, a limited liability company, or a real estate investment trust; and applying the Act prospectively.
SB-339: Campaign Finance - Affiliated Business Entities - Attribution of Contributions
Sponsored by: Sen. Roger Manno
Hearing 2/17 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/09/2011
Election Law - Campaign Advertisements - Closed Captioning [SB-22]
Requiring a specified campaign finance entity to include closed captioning for individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing in campaign advertisements that are distributed by broadcast or cable television or on its Web site; providing exemptions; specifying the factors to be considered when applying the undue hardship exemption; prohibiting a specified campaign finance entity from distributing a campaign advertisement by broadcast or cable radio, unless specified conditions are met; etc.
SB-22: Election Law - Campaign Advertisements - Closed Captioning
Sponsored by: Sen. Norman Stone
Hearing 1/25 At 3:45 P.m. on 01/19/2011