Income Tax - Film Production Activity Credit [SB-98]
Allowing a qualified film production entity to claim a credit against the State income tax for specified costs incurred for film production activities; repealing the Film Production Rebate Program; requiring the Department of Business and Economic Development to administer the credit; requiring that to be eligible for the rebate, the film production company must incur total direct costs exceeding $500,000; providing that the total direct costs may not include individual wages that exceed $1,000,000; etc.
SB-98: Income Tax - Film Production Activity Credit
Sponsored by: Sen. Alexander Mooney
Hearing Cancelled on 01/26/2010
Income Tax - Film Production Activity Credit [SB-976]
Allowing a qualified film production entity to claim a credit against the State income tax for specified costs incurred for film production activities; repealing the Film Production Rebate Program; requiring the Department of Business and Economic Development to administer the credit; requiring that the estimated total direct costs incurred in the State exceed $500,000; providing that the total direct costs may not include wages that exceed $1,000,000; applying the Act to taxable years beginning after 2009; etc.
SB-976: Income Tax - Film Production Activity Credit
Sponsored by: Sen. Richard Colburn
Hearing 3/23 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/03/2010
Maryland Small Business Investment Companies [SB-883]
Allowing a credit against the insurance premium tax for investments by insurers in Maryland small business investment companies that make investments in qualified businesses in the State; providing for the allocation of credits among Maryland small business investment companies; limiting to $100,000,000 the total designated capital for which premium tax credits may be allowed for all years; etc.
SB-883: Maryland Small Business Investment Companies
Sponsored by: Sen. Ulysses Currie
Hearing Cancelled on 03/02/2010
Labor and Employment - Job Creation and Recovery Tax Credit [SB-384]
Providing a credit against the State income tax for qualified employers employing specified individuals in qualified positions; providing for certification by the Secretary of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation of qualified employers eligible for the credit and the maximum credit for which a qualified employer is eligible; limiting the credit to $400,000 for each qualified employer; limiting the aggregate credit that may be approved by the Secretary to $30,000,000, to be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis; etc.
SB-384: Labor and Employment - Job Creation and Recovery Tax Credit
Sponsored by: Sen. Alexander Mooney
Unfavorable Report By Budget And Taxation Withdrawn on 03/01/2010
Smart, Green, and Growing - The Sustainable Communities Act of 2010 [SB-285]
Stating findings and intent of the General Assembly concerning sustainable communities; providing for the designation of specified areas as sustainable communities eligible for specified programs; reestablishing and altering the Maryland Heritage Structure Rehabilitation Tax Credit Program to be the Sustainable Communities Tax Credit Program; authorizing the Director of the Maryland Historical Trust to issue up to $50,000,000 in the aggregate in initial credit certificates for the tax credit; etc.
SB-285: Smart, Green, and Growing - The Sustainable Communities Act of 2010
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Exum
Hearing 2/17 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/27/2010
Procurement - Veteran-Owned Small Business Enterprise Participation [SB-171]
Establishing a participation goal for specified veteran-owned small business enterprises for specified procurement contracts; requiring a unit to award procurement contracts to specified bidders or offerors under specified circumstances; requiring the Board of Public Works to adopt regulations; establishing prohibited acts and penalties for violations; etc.
SB-171: Procurement - Veteran-Owned Small Business Enterprise Participation
Sponsored by: Sen. John Astle
Approved By The Governor on 05/20/2010
Labor and Employment - Job Creation and Recovery Tax Credit [SB-106]
Providing a credit against the State income tax for qualified employers employing specified individuals in qualified positions; providing for certification by the Secretary of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation of qualified employers eligible for the credit and the maximum credit for which a qualified employer is eligible; limiting the credit to $250,000 for each qualified employer; limiting the aggregate credit that may be approved by the Secretary to $20,000,000, to be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis; etc.
SB-106: Labor and Employment - Job Creation and Recovery Tax Credit
Sponsored by: Sen. Ulysses Currie
Passed Enrolled on 03/25/2010
Labor and Employment - Job Creation and Recovery Tax Credit [HB-92]
Providing a credit against the State income tax for qualified employers employing specified individuals in qualified positions; providing for certification by the Secretary of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation of qualified employers eligible for the credit and the maximum credit for which a qualified employer is eligible; limiting the credit to $250,000 for each qualified employer; limiting the aggregate credit that may be approved by the Secretary to $20,000,000, to be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis; etc.
HB-92: Labor and Employment - Job Creation and Recovery Tax Credit
Sponsored by: Rep. Sheila Hixson
First Reading Budget And Taxation on 03/22/2010
Queen Anne's County - Arts and Entertainment District [HB-822]
Providing that in Queen Anne's County, the governing body may establish an arts and entertainment district composed of noncontiguous areas in the county, including noncontiguous areas in a municipal corporation in the county, subject to the designation of the Secretary of Business and Economic Development; and requiring the governing body of Queen Anne's County to comply with specified application procedures.
HB-822: Queen Anne's County - Arts and Entertainment District
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Approved By The Governor on 04/13/2010
Task Force to Study Nanobiotechnology [HB-795]
Establishing a Task Force to Study Nanobiotechnology; providing for the membership of the Task Force; providing for the cochairs of the Task Force; providing for the meeting times and places of the Task Force; providing for the staffing of the Task Force; prohibiting a member of the Task Force from receiving specified compensation and authorizing reimbursement of specified expenses; requiring the Task Force to study specified matters and make specified recommendations; etc.
HB-795: Task Force to Study Nanobiotechnology
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Approved By The Governor on 04/13/2010
Smart, Green, and Growing - The Sustainable Communities Act of 2010 [HB-475]
Stating findings and the intent of the General Assembly concerning sustainable communities; providing for the designation of specified areas as sustainable communities eligible for specified programs; authorizing the Smart Growth Subcabinet to designate sustainable communities; extending and altering the Maryland Heritage Structure Rehabilitation Tax Credit Program to be the Sustainable Communities Tax Credit Program; etc.
HB-475: Smart, Green, and Growing - The Sustainable Communities Act of 2010
Sponsored by: Rep. Elizabeth Bobo
Approved By The Governor on 05/20/2010
Procurement - Veteran-Owned Small Business Enterprise Participation [HB-359]
Establishing a participation goal for specified veteran-owned small business enterprises for procurement contracts; requiring a unit to award procurement contracts to specified bidders or offerors under specified circumstances; requiring the Board of Public Works to adopt regulations; establishing prohibited acts and penalties for violations; etc.
HB-359: Procurement - Veteran-Owned Small Business Enterprise Participation
Sponsored by: Rep. Charles Barkley
Approved By The Governor on 05/20/2010
Tax Credit for New or Expanded Business Facilities [HB-1520]
Providing a credit against the State income tax under specified circumstances for a qualified business entity that establishes or expands a business facility in the State that will create at least 10 qualified positions; requiring the Secretary of Business and Economic Development to certify persons as eligible for the tax credit and certify the maximum amount of credit for which a person is eligible; limiting the total amount of credits that may be approved to $10,000,000; etc.
HB-1520: Tax Credit for New or Expanded Business Facilities
Sponsored by: Rep. Susan Aumann
Unfavorable Report By Ways And Means Withdrawn on 03/25/2010
Maryland Small Business Investment Companies [HB-1469]
Allowing a credit against the insurance premium tax for investments by insurers in Maryland small business investment companies that make investments in qualified businesses in the State; providing for the allocation of credits among Maryland small business investment companies; limiting to $100,000,000 the total designated capital for which premium tax credits may be allowed for all years; etc.
HB-1469: Maryland Small Business Investment Companies
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Hearing 3/25 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/10/2010
Maryland Small Business Investment Companies [HB-1343]
Allowing a credit against the insurance premium tax for investments by insurers in Maryland small business investment companies that make investments in qualified businesses in the State; providing for the allocation of credits among Maryland small business investment companies; limiting to $100,000,000 the total designated capital for which premium tax credits may be allowed for all years; etc.
HB-1343: Maryland Small Business Investment Companies
Sponsored by: Rep. James King
Unfavorable Report By Ways And Means Withdrawn on 03/26/2010
Tax Increment Financing and Special Taxing Districts - State Hospital [HB-1161]
Authorizing specified counties and municipal corporations to finance the costs of public improvements located in or supporting a State hospital redevelopment; authorizing specified counties and municipal corporations to designate special taxing districts, create special funds, and provide for the levy of specified taxes to pay costs of infrastructure improvements located in or supporting a State hospital redevelopment; etc.
HB-1161: Tax Increment Financing and Special Taxing Districts - State Hospital
Sponsored by: Sen. Shirley Nathan-Pulliam
Approved By The Governor on 05/20/2010