Cecil-Harford Highway Impact Revenue Account [SB-260]
Creating a Cecil-Harford Highway Impact Revenue Account in the Transportation Authority Fund; specifying the purpose of the Account; establishing the composition of the Account; providing for the use of funds in the Account; and providing for the transfer of funds in the Transportation Authority Fund to the Account under specified circumstances.
Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Qualified Maryland Toll Expenses [SB-210]
Allowing a subtraction modification of $500 for individuals under the Maryland income tax for specified tolls paid through the use of the E- ZPass Maryland program; defining terms; providing for the application of the Act to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2011; etc.
Creation of a State Debt - Washington County - Lockhouse 44, Lock 44, and [SB-1070]
Authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $320,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal National Historical Park for the planning, design, repair, and renovation of Lockhouse 44, Lock 44, and the Western Maryland Railroad Lift Bridge, located in Williamsport; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; establishing a deadline for the encumbrance or expenditure of the loan proceeds; etc.
SB-1070: Creation of a State Debt - Washington County - Lockhouse 44, Lock 44, and
Sponsored by: Sen. George Edwards
Hearing 3/10 At 12:00 P.m. on 03/06/2012
Maryland Transportation Authority - Tolls - Legislative Approval Required [HB-685]
Prohibiting the Maryland Transportation Authority from fixing, revising, charging, or collecting a toll on any part of any transportation facilities project in an amount in excess of a specified amount unless the General Assembly approves the toll through legislation that is enacted into law; authorizing the Authority, on or after the effective date of the Act, to continue to charge and collect a toll of the same amount in effect on a specified date.
Public-Private Partnerships [HB-576]
Establishing the policy of the State on public-private partnerships; altering provisions of law relating to public-private partnerships; establishing that the Court of Special Appeals has jurisdiction over specified immediate appeals related to specified public-private partnerships; authorizing a reporting agency to establish a public- private partnership and execute an agreement in connection with any public infrastructure asset; requiring a reporting agency to adopt regulations and establish processes; etc.
HB-576: Public-Private Partnerships
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Hearing 4/4 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/29/2012
Transportation - Toll, Fee, or Other Charge Increases - Notice and Public [HB-40]
Requiring specified staff of the Maryland Transportation Authority to provide, by a specified date, public notice regarding a proposal to increase specified tolls, fees, or other charges; requiring the Authority to make the proposal available to the public in a specified manner; and requiring the Authority to receive comments from the public at the meeting at which the Authority votes to implement the proposal.
HB-40: Transportation - Toll, Fee, or Other Charge Increases - Notice and Public
Sponsored by: Sen. Michael Hough
Hearing Cancelled on 02/01/2012
Income Tax - Subtraction Modification - Qualified Maryland Toll Expenses [HB-275]
Allowing a subtraction modification of $500 for individuals under the Maryland income tax for specified tolls paid through the use of the E- ZPass Maryland program; defining terms; providing for the application of the Act to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2011; etc.
Vehicle Laws - Maryland Transportation Authority - Payment of Tolls [HB-1375]
Clarifying procedures of the Maryland Transportation Authority for the collection of unpaid tolls through a specified notice and a citation for toll violations; specifying the content of a citation; altering procedures for paying or contesting the amounts due under a citation; providing for the admissibility and prima facie effect of the information in a citation in any proceeding to contest liability; altering specified defenses to a citation; altering procedures for collection of unpaid tolls and civil penalties; etc.
Maryland Transportation Authority - Audit Statements Available Online [HB-1259]
Requiring the Maryland Transportation Authority or an entity engaged by the Authority to annually audit the finances of each transportation facilities project; requiring the Authority to make specified audit statements available on its Internet site in a specified manner; and defining "audit statement".
HB-1259: Maryland Transportation Authority - Audit Statements Available Online
Sponsored by: Rep. Nicholaus Kipke
Unfavorable Report By Appropriations on 03/26/2012
Transportation - Chesapeake Bay Bridge Authority [HB-1251]
Establishing the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Authority to finance, construct, operate, and maintain the William Preston Lane, Jr. Memorial Chesapeake Bay Bridge and the parallel Chesapeake Bay Bridge; providing for the members, appointment, terms, chair, and staff of the Authority; prohibiting the Department of Transportation from exercising jurisdiction or authority over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge; authorizing the Authority to take specified actions in the performance of its duties; etc.
HB-1251: Transportation - Chesapeake Bay Bridge Authority
Sponsored by: Rep. Nicholaus Kipke
Hearing 2/29 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/15/2012
Maryland Transportation Authority - Fixing or Revising Tolls - Legislative [HB-1157]
Prohibiting the Maryland Transportation Authority from fixing or revising a toll on any part of any transportation facilities project unless the General Assembly approves the toll through legislation enacted into law; prohibiting the Authority, subject to a specified exception, from charging and collecting a toll that exceeds the amount of the toll in effect before October 1, 2011; and making the Act an emergency measure.
Maryland Transportation Authority - Fixing or Revising Tolls - Legislative [SB-32]
Prohibiting the Maryland Transportation Authority from fixing or revising a toll on any part of any transportation facilities project unless the General Assembly approves the toll through legislation; authorizing the Authority, on or after the effective date of the Act, to continue to charge and collect a toll of the same amount in effect before the effective date of the Act; and making the Act an emergency measure.
Transportation - Toll, Fee, or Other Charge Increases - Notice and Public [SB-25]
Requiring specified staff of the Maryland Transportation Authority to provide, by a specified date, public notice regarding a proposal to increase specified tolls, fees, or other charges; requiring the Authority to make the proposal available to the public in a specified manner; requiring the Authority to receive comments from the public at the meeting at which the Authority votes to implement the proposal; and making the Act an emergency measure.
SB-25: Transportation - Toll, Fee, or Other Charge Increases - Notice and Public
Sponsored by: Sen. E. J. Pipkin
First Reading Senate Rules on 10/17/2011
Maryland Transportation Authority - Fixing or Revising Tolls - Legislative [SB-24]
Prohibiting the Maryland Transportation Authority from fixing or revising a toll on any part of any transportation facilities project unless the General Assembly approves the toll through legislation; authorizing the Authority, on or after the effective date of the Act, to continue to charge and collect a toll of the same amount in effect before the effective date of the Act; and making the Act an emergency measure.
Maryland Transportation Authority - Termination - Exchange of Bonds [SB-23]
Terminating the Maryland Transportation Authority; transferring, subject to specified exceptions, all functions, powers, duties, responsibilities, regulations, policies, property, equipment, assets, liabilities, and employees of the Authority to the Maryland Department of Transportation on October 1, 2012; requiring the State to issue revenue refunding bonds in exchange for revenue bonds issued by the Authority before a specified date; etc.
SB-23: Maryland Transportation Authority - Termination - Exchange of Bonds
Sponsored by: Sen. E. J. Pipkin
First Reading Senate Rules on 10/17/2011
Maryland Transportation Authority - Audit Statements Available Online [SB-20]
Requiring the Maryland Transportation Authority to make audit statements publicly available on its Internet site, including audit statements relating to each transportation facilities project throughout the entire existence of each transportation facilities project; and defining "audit statement".
SB-20: Maryland Transportation Authority - Audit Statements Available Online
Sponsored by: Sen. E. J. Pipkin
First Reading Senate Rules on 10/17/2011
Transportation - Chesapeake Bay Bridge Authority [SB-15]
Establishing the Chesapeake Bay Bridge Authority to finance, construct, operate, and maintain the Chesapeake Bay Bridge; providing for the members, appointment, terms, chair, and staff of the Authority; prohibiting the Department of Transportation from exercising jurisdiction or authority over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge; authorizing the Authority to take specified actions in the performance of its duties; etc.
SB-15: Transportation - Chesapeake Bay Bridge Authority
Sponsored by: Sen. E. J. Pipkin
First Reading Senate Rules on 10/17/2011
Maryland Transportation Authority - Intercounty Connector - Equitable Treatment [SB-14]
Requiring equitable treatment of toll rates on the Intercounty Connector in connection with any action by the Maryland Transportation Authority involving toll revenue affecting other transportation facilities projects owned or operated by the Authority; and making the Act an emergency measure.
Maryland Transportation Authority - Fixing or Revising Tolls - Legislative [HB-23]
Prohibiting the Maryland Transportation Authority from fixing or revising a toll on any part of any transportation facilities project unless the General Assembly approves the toll through legislation; authorizing the Authority, on or after the effective date of the Act, to continue to charge and collect a toll of the same amount in effect before the effective date of the Act; and making the Act an emergency measure.
Maryland Transportation Authority - Intercounty Connector - Equitable Treatment [HB-19]
Requiring equitable treatment of toll rates on the Intercounty Connector in connection with any action by the Maryland Transportation Authority involving toll revenue affecting other transportation facilities projects owned or operated by the Authority; and making the Act an emergency measure.