HCR-132: Authorizing The Issuance Of A Term, Non-exclusive Easement Covering A Portion Of State Submerged Lands Seaward Of Tax Map Key: (2) 4-3-010:009 At Kahana, Lahaina, Maui, For The Removal Of Existing Emergency Sandbags And Construction, Use, Repair, And Maintenance Of A Rock Revetment.
Sponsored by: Rep. Elle Cochran
Referred To Wal, Fin, Referral Sheet 22 on 03/14/2025
You have voted HCR-132: Authorizing The Issuance Of A Term, Non-exclusive Easement Covering A Portion Of State Submerged Lands Seaward Of Tax Map Key: (2) 4-3-010:009 At Kahana, Lahaina, Maui, For The Removal Of Existing Emergency Sandbags And Construction, Use, Repair, And Maintenance Of A Rock Revetment..
SR-64: Authorizing The Issuance Of A Perpetual, Non-exclusive Easement Covering A Portion Of State Submerged Lands At Waialae, Honolulu, Oahu, For The Existing Drainage Outlets, And For The Use, Repair, And Maintenance Of The Existing Improvements Constructed Thereon.
Sponsored by: Sen. Stanley Chang
Referred To Wtl, Wam. on 03/11/2025
You have voted SR-64: Authorizing The Issuance Of A Perpetual, Non-exclusive Easement Covering A Portion Of State Submerged Lands At Waialae, Honolulu, Oahu, For The Existing Drainage Outlets, And For The Use, Repair, And Maintenance Of The Existing Improvements Constructed Thereon..
SCR-81: Authorizing The Issuance Of A Perpetual, Non-exclusive Easement Covering A Portion Of State Submerged Lands At Waialae, Honolulu, Oahu, For The Existing Drainage Outlets, And For The Use, Repair, And Maintenance Of The Existing Improvements Constructed Thereon.
Sponsored by: Sen. Stanley Chang
Referred To Wtl, Wam. on 03/11/2025
You have voted SCR-81: Authorizing The Issuance Of A Perpetual, Non-exclusive Easement Covering A Portion Of State Submerged Lands At Waialae, Honolulu, Oahu, For The Existing Drainage Outlets, And For The Use, Repair, And Maintenance Of The Existing Improvements Constructed Thereon..
SCR-47: Authorizing The Issuance Of A Term, Non-exclusive Easement Covering A Portion Of State Submerged Lands Seaward Of Tax Map Key: (2) 4-3-010:009 At Kahana, Lahaina, Maui, For The Removal Of Existing Emergency Sandbags And Construction, Use, Repair, And Maintenance Of A Rock Revetment.
Sponsored by: Sen. Ronald Kouchi
The Committee On Wtl Deferred The Measure. on 03/21/2025
You have voted SCR-47: Authorizing The Issuance Of A Term, Non-exclusive Easement Covering A Portion Of State Submerged Lands Seaward Of Tax Map Key: (2) 4-3-010:009 At Kahana, Lahaina, Maui, For The Removal Of Existing Emergency Sandbags And Construction, Use, Repair, And Maintenance Of A Rock Revetment..
Relating To Public Lands. [HB-1348]
Requires the Board of Land and Natural Resources to lease public lands for recreation-residence use by public lottery and restrict participation in the public lottery to residents of the county in which the leased land is located. Effective 7/1/2040. (SD1)
HB-1348: Relating To Public Lands.
Sponsored by: Rep. Daynette Morikawa
The Committee(s) On Jdc Recommend(s) That The Measure Be Passed, With Amendments. The Votes In Jdc Were As Follows: 5 Aye(s): Senator(s) Rhoads, Gabbard, Chang, San Buenaventura, Awa; Aye(s) With Reservations: None ; 0 No(es): None; And 0 Excused: None. on 03/27/2025
Relating To Public Lands. [SB-1517]
Authorizes the Board of Land and Natural Resources to lease public lands for recreational-residential use by public lottery and restrict participation in the public lottery to residents of the county in which the leased land is located. Lowers the maximum term for a lease of public lands for recreational-residential use to five years. Effective 4/23/2057. (SD1)
SB-1517: Relating To Public Lands.
Sponsored by: Sen. Ronald Kouchi
Pass First Reading on 03/06/2025
Relating To Environmental Stewardship Fees. [HB-1139]
Establishes within the Department of Land and Natural Resources the environmental stewardship fee program to collect a fee from visitors through an environmental stewardship license and allocate the revenue to protect, restore, and manage natural and cultural resources through grants to nonprofit organizations. Establishes the environmental stewardship fee special fund. Establishes the Environmental Stewardship Commission to make recommendations to the Board of Land and Natural Resources regarding the use of revenues in the special fund. Requires
HB-1139: Relating To Environmental Stewardship Fees.
Sponsored by: Rep. Nadine Nakamura
Introduced And Pass First Reading. on 01/23/2025
Relating To Environmental Stewardship Fees. [SB-1458]
Establishes within the Department of Land and Natural Resources the environmental stewardship fee program to collect a fee from visitors through an environmental stewardship license and allocate the revenue to protect, restore, and manage natural and cultural resources through grants to nonprofit organizations. Establishes the environmental stewardship fee special fund. Establishes the Environmental Stewardship Commission to make recommendations to the Board of Land and Natural Resources regarding the use of revenues in the special fund. Requires
SB-1458: Relating To Environmental Stewardship Fees.
Sponsored by: Sen. Ronald Kouchi
Referred To Wtl/edt, Wam/jdc. on 01/27/2025
Relating To Ocean User Safety. [SB-1457]
Authorizes the Board of Land and Natural Resources to issue interim rules regarding commercial and recreational use of water sports equipment.
SB-1457: Relating To Ocean User Safety.
Sponsored by: Sen. Ronald Kouchi
The Committee On Wtl Deferred The Measure. on 02/10/2025
Relating To Ocean User Safety. [HB-1138]
Authorizes the Board of Land and Natural Resources to issue emergency rules which may be in effect for up to 365 days for the regulation of commercial and recreational use of water sports equipment to promote ocean user safety. Effective 7/1/3000. (HD1)
HB-1138: Relating To Ocean User Safety.
Sponsored by: Rep. Nadine Nakamura
The Committee(s) On Jha Recommend(s) That The Measure Be Deferred. on 02/27/2025
Relating To Historic Preservation Reviews. [HB-830]
Beginning 7/1/2027 requires the State Historic Preservation Division of the Department of Land and Natural Resources to contract its review of proposed state projects, projects on privately-owned historic property, and projects affecting historic properties to third-party consultants if the projects involve the development of affordable housing and the division, after an initial evaluation, determines it will not be able to complete its review within sixty days. Establishes requirements for qualified third-party consultants providing review services.
HB-830: Relating To Historic Preservation Reviews.
Sponsored by: Rep. Gregg Takayama
The Committee(s) On Jdc/wam Will Hold A Public Decision Making On 04-01-25 10:00am; Conference Room 211 & Videoconference. on 03/27/2025
Relating To The Department Of Land And Natural Resources. [SB-1017]
Authorizes the Board of Land and Natural Resources to adopt by rule, any federal rule or regulation relating to the public lands of the State as it existed on 1/1/2025 that it deems are in the public interest.
SB-1017: Relating To The Department Of Land And Natural Resources.
Sponsored by: Sen. Angus McKelvey
The Committee On Wtl Deferred The Measure. on 02/03/2025
Relating To Public Lands. [HB-511]
Provides that a survey of the land to be set aside shall not be a condition precedent to the setting aside of public lands to any department or agency of the State. Authorizes the Department of Land and Natural Resources to use Geographic Information System (GIS) map data, existing tax parcel maps, and aerial imagery to define approximate boundaries. Requires the Land Survey Division of the Department of Accounting of General Services to review and approve of any boundary assessments made using GIS data by DLNR. Requires a recipient agency to conduct
HB-511: Relating To Public Lands.
Sponsored by: Rep. Linda Ichiyama
The Committee(s) On Jdc Will Hold A Public Decision Making On 03-28-25 10:02am; Conference Room 016 & Videoconference. on 03/25/2025
Relating To Immigration Detention Facilities. [SB-794]
Prohibits the Department of Land and Natural Resources and Board of Land and Natural Resources from disposing of or approving the use or setting aside of public lands for the establishment of any immigration detention facility. Prohibits state and county agencies from contracting with the federal government for this purpose.
SB-794: Relating To Immigration Detention Facilities.
Sponsored by: Sen. Henry Aquino
Re-referred To Wtl, Jdc. on 01/27/2025
Relating To Mauna Kea. [SB-769]
Amends the conservation district use permit application, approval, and oversight responsibilities of the Board of Land and Natural Resources, Mauna Kea Stewardship and Oversight Authority, and lessees. Provides that certain conservation district use permits that are in effect as of 7/1/2028, to which the University of Hawaii is a permittee or other named party, shall not be transferred to the Mauna Kea Stewardship and Oversight Authority.
SB-769: Relating To Mauna Kea.
Sponsored by: Sen. Stanley Chang
Referred To Wtl, Jdc. on 01/23/2025
Relating To Dam And Reservoir Safety. [SB-503]
Requires the Department of Land and Natural Resources to incorporate into their assessment process the possession of dam insurance or the active seeking of dam insurance by private dam owners, as part of their valid mitigation strategies, in conjunction with approved modifications or repairs. Authorizes the DLNR to relax any restrictions and stringent standards on a dam or appurtenance upon verification of certain insurance coverage. Authorizes the DLNR to consider a dam, reservoir, or appurtenance is safe absent certain documents. Shifts the burden
SB-503: Relating To Dam And Reservoir Safety.
Sponsored by: Sen. Angus McKelvey
Referred To Wtl/cpn, Wam/jdc. on 01/21/2025
Relating To State Boating Facilities. [HB-210]
Establishes a State Boating Facility Lease Program within the Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation of the Department of Land and Natural Resources to be administered by DOBOR. Authorizes the Board of Land and Natural to lease Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor for private development, management, maintenance, and operation. Repeals provisions relating to the leasing of fast lands and submerged lands of Ala Wai Boat Harbor. Requires annual reports to the Legislature. Repeals the State Boating Facility Lease Program on 6/30/2045.
HB-210: Relating To State Boating Facilities.
Sponsored by: Rep. Gregg Takayama
Referred To Wal, Fin, Referral Sheet 1 on 01/21/2025
Relating To Agricultural Lands. [SB-443]
Requires that lands within the agricultural district with class B or C soils that have solar energy facilities must also obtain certification from the Department of Agriculture that the lands are also used for a farming operation. Effective 7/1/3000. (HD1)
SB-443: Relating To Agricultural Lands.
Sponsored by: Sen. Joy San Buenaventura
Passed Second Reading As Amended In Hd 1 And Referred To The Committee(s) On Cpc With None Voting Aye With Reservations; Representative(s) Garcia Voting No (1) And Representative(s) Cochran, Garrett, Kapela, Kitagawa, Ward Excused (5). on 03/21/2025
Relating To State Lands. [SB-457]
Establishes penalties for failure to comply with certain submerged land reclamation regulations. Adds requirements for presently reclaimed land to be disposed of by the Board of Land and Natural Resources, without recourse to public auction, to an abutting owner, by sale, or by lease. Provides requirements for the Board of Land and Natural Resources to lease state submerged lands and lands beneath tidal waters.
SB-457: Relating To State Lands.
Sponsored by: Sen. Karl Rhoads
The Committee On Wtl Deferred The Measure. on 02/05/2025
Relating To Fees. [SB-439]
Requires the Board of Land and Natural Resources to adopt rules to impose user fees that apply solely to nonresidents visiting state parks and trails, as selected by the Board. Effective 7/1/3000. (HD1)
SB-439: Relating To Fees.
Sponsored by: Sen. Joy San Buenaventura
Passed Second Reading As Amended In Hd 1 And Referred To The Committee(s) On Fin With Representative(s) Garcia Voting Aye With Reservations; None Voting No (0) And Representative(s) Cochran, Garrett, Kapela, Kitagawa, Ward Excused (5). on 03/21/2025