Criminal Procedure - Pretrial Release [HB-1046]
Requiring a judicial officer to order the pretrial release of a person charged with a crime on personal recognizance, on nonfinancial conditions, or on execution of an unsecured appearance bond in an amount specified by the court under specified circumstances; requiring a judicial officer to order the pretrial release of a specified person subject to a specified condition or combination of conditions, under specified circumstances; etc.
HB-1046: Criminal Procedure - Pretrial Release
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais
Hearing 3/01 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/01/2016
Criminal Procedure - Government-Funded Legal Representation - Initial Appearance [SB-942]
Proposing an amendment to the Maryland Constitution establishing that a specified constitutional provision may not be construed to require government-funded legal representation of an indigent defendant at an initial appearance before a District Court commissioner; and submitting the amendment to the qualified voters of the State for their adoption or rejection.
Crimes - Elder Abuse or Neglect - Restrictions on Pretrial Release [SB-412]
Prohibiting a District Court commissioner from authorizing the pretrial release of a defendant charged with causing abuse or neglect of a vulnerable adult in the first or second degree; providing that a judge may authorize the pretrial release of the defendant on specified conditions; requiring the judge to order the continued detention of the defendant if neither suitable bail nor other conditions will reasonably ensure that the defendant will not flee or pose a danger to a specified person or the community before trial; etc.
SB-412: Crimes - Elder Abuse or Neglect - Restrictions on Pretrial Release
Sponsored by: Sen. Lisa Gladden
Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings; Withdrawn on 03/13/2015
Juveniles - Transfer Determinations - Confinement in Juvenile Facilities [SB-172]
Requiring a court exercising criminal jurisdiction in a case involving a child, or the District Court at a bail review or preliminary hearing involving a child, to order a specified child to be held in a secure juvenile facility pending a specified transfer determination except under specified circumstances; requiring the District Court to state the reasons on the record for a finding that detention in a secure juvenile facility would pose a substantial risk of harm to the child or others; etc.
SB-172: Juveniles - Transfer Determinations - Confinement in Juvenile Facilities
Sponsored by: Sen. Lisa Gladden
Vetoed By The Governor (duplicative) on 05/12/2015
Juveniles - Transfer Determinations - Confinement in Juvenile Facilities [HB-618]
Requiring a court exercising criminal jurisdiction in a case involving a child, or the District Court at a bail review or preliminary hearing involving a child, to order a specified child to be held in a secure juvenile facility pending a specified transfer determination except under specified circumstances; requiring the District Court to state the reasons on the record for a finding that detention in a secure juvenile facility would pose a substantial risk of harm to the child or others; etc.
HB-618: Juveniles - Transfer Determinations - Confinement in Juvenile Facilities
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 442 on 05/12/2015
Criminal Procedure - Maryland Appointed Attorneys Program Corporation [HB-596]
Establishing the Maryland Appointed Attorneys Program Corporation; providing that the purpose of the Corporation is to provide legal representation to indigent criminal defendants at initial appearances before District Court commissioners as required by the Court of Appeals in a specified case decision; providing that the Corporation is not a unit or instrumentality of the State; requiring the Board of Directors of the Corporation to appoint an executive director of the Corporation; etc.
HB-596: Criminal Procedure - Maryland Appointed Attorneys Program Corporation
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary; Withdrawn on 03/18/2015
Office of the Public Defender - Representation at Bail Hearing - Provisional [HB-530]
Establishing that the representation provided by the Office of the Public Defender to an indigent individual at a bail hearing before a District Court or circuit court judge shall be limited solely to the bail hearing and shall terminate automatically at the conclusion of the hearing; etc.
HB-530: Office of the Public Defender - Representation at Bail Hearing - Provisional
Sponsored by: Rep. Joseph Vallario
Hearing 3/03 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/03/2015
Criminal Procedure - Government-Funded Legal Representation - Initial Appearance [HB-496]
Proposing an amendment to the Maryland Constitution establishing that a specified constitutional provision may not be construed to require government-funded legal representation of an indigent defendant at an initial appearance before a District Court commissioner; and submitting the amendment to the qualified voters of the State for their adoption or rejection.
Criminal Procedure - Pretrial Release - Charge by Summons [HB-494]
Repealing a provision of law authorizing a District Court commissioner to set bond or commit persons to jail in default of bond or release them on personal recognizance if circumstances warrant; authorizing a police officer to charge by citation for an offense that may be charged by summons under a specified provision of law under specified circumstances; requiring a police officer to submit a specified statement of charges, serve a statement and summons, and release the defendant under specified circumstances; etc.
HB-494: Criminal Procedure - Pretrial Release - Charge by Summons
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais
Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings on 04/03/2015
Commercial Bail Data Analysis [HB-397]
Requiring the Maryland Statistical Analysis Center, in consultation with the Administrative Office of the Courts, to develop a procedure and methodology for the compilation and analysis of specified data and the preparation of a specified report and recommendations; and requiring the Maryland Statistical Analysis Center to compile and analyze specified data and to submit a report of its findings and recommendations to the Governor and General Assembly on or before December 31, 2015.
HB-397: Commercial Bail Data Analysis
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/18/2015
Criminal Procedure - Government-Funded Legal Representation - Initial Appearance [HB-361]
Proposing an amendment to the Maryland Constitution establishing that an indigent defendant is entitled to government-funded legal representation at the times and under the circumstances provided by statute and court rule, and that a specified constitutional provision may not be construed to require government-funded legal representation of an indigent defendant at an initial appearance before a District Court commissioner; and submitting the amendment to the qualified voters of the State for their adoption or rejection.
Criminal Procedure - Bail Bonds - Minimum [HB-32]
Providing that a surety may not provide a bail bond to a defendant in circuit court or the District Court for less than 10% of the penalty amount of the bond.
HB-32: Criminal Procedure - Bail Bonds - Minimum
Sponsored by: Rep. Kelly Schulz
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary; Withdrawn on 03/16/2015
Crimes - Elder Abuse or Neglect - Restrictions on Pretrial Release [HB-31]
Prohibiting a District Court commissioner from authorizing the pretrial release of a defendant charged with causing abuse or neglect of a vulnerable adult in the first or second degree; providing that a judge may authorize the pretrial release of the defendant on specified conditions; requiring the judge to order the continued detention of the defendant if neither suitable bail nor other conditions will reasonably ensure that the defendant will not flee or pose a danger to a specified person or the community before trial; etc.
HB-31: Crimes - Elder Abuse or Neglect - Restrictions on Pretrial Release
Sponsored by: Rep. Cheryl Glenn
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 02/16/2015
Criminal Procedure - Failure to Appear - Rescheduling [HB-120]
Authorizing a judge to set a bond in a case on issuing a bench warrant when the defendant fails to appear; requiring a judicial officer to mark a specified bench warrant satisfied under specified circumstances; and requiring the court to reschedule a specified hearing or trial if a specified person posts the bond under specified circumstances.
HB-120: Criminal Procedure - Failure to Appear - Rescheduling
Sponsored by: Sen. William Smith
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 402 on 05/12/2015
Insurance - Bail Bondsmen - Installment Agreements [HB-1050]
Establishing a minimum 35% required down payment in connection with specified bail bond installment agreements; providing a maximum term of 15 months for the agreements; requiring a specified bail bondsman to file a civil action for specified relief under specified circumstances; and qualifying the actions that a bail bondsman shall take with respect to specified collections by requiring the bail bondsman to make specified efforts to obtain judgment under specified circumstances.
Criminal Procedure - Bail Bonds - Return of Defendant [HB-1001]
Providing that the filing of a specified motion within a specified time limit shall stay a specified matter and preclude the payment of any forfeiture of bail or collateral until a specified time; granting a surety a specified amount of time to pay a forfeiture of bail or collateral on denial of a specified motion; etc.
HB-1001: Criminal Procedure - Bail Bonds - Return of Defendant
Sponsored by: Rep. Jay Jalisi
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/16/2015
HB-63: Amends existing law to remove a provision relating to a bench warrant for a bailable offense; and to provide for the setting of bail when a defendant fails to appear before the court under certain conditions.
Sponsored by: Rep.
Reported Printed And Referred To Judiciary, Rules, & Administration on 02/02/2015
You have voted HB-63: Amends existing law to remove a provision relating to a bench warrant for a bailable offense; and to provide for the setting of bail when a defendant fails to appear before the court under certain conditions..