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Explain HB-672: Implement provisions of HB2, Sec. B - Health and Human Services × Sponsored by: Rep. Frederick Moore (h) Died In Standing Committee (s) Finance And Claims on 04/25/2019
You have voted HB-672: Implement provisions of HB2, Sec. B - Health and Human Services.
Explain HB-671: Implement provisions of HB2, Sec B - Health and Human Services × Sponsored by: Rep. Frederick Moore (h) Died In Standing Committee (s) Finance And Claims on 04/25/2019
You have voted HB-671: Implement provisions of HB2, Sec B - Health and Human Services.
Explain HB-670: Implement provisions of HB2, Sec B - Health and Human Services × Sponsored by: Rep. Frederick Moore (h) Died In Standing Committee (s) Conference on 04/25/2019
You have voted HB-670: Implement provisions of HB2, Sec B - Health and Human Services.
Explain HB-669: Implement the provisions of section B of the general appropriations act × Sponsored by: Rep. Frederick Moore Chapter Number Assigned on 05/09/2019
You have voted HB-669: Implement the provisions of section B of the general appropriations act.
Explain HB-664: Implement provisions of HB2, Sec E - Education × Sponsored by: Rep. Llewelyn Jones (h) Died In Standing Committee (s) Finance And Claims on 04/25/2019
You have voted HB-664: Implement provisions of HB2, Sec E - Education.
Explain HB-663: Implement provisions of HB2, Sec E - Education × Sponsored by: Rep. Llewelyn Jones (h) Died In Standing Committee (s) Finance And Claims on 04/25/2019
You have voted HB-663: Implement provisions of HB2, Sec E - Education.
Explain HB-662: Implement provisions of HB2, Sec E - Education × Sponsored by: Rep. Llewelyn Jones Chapter Number Assigned on 05/09/2019
You have voted HB-662: Implement provisions of HB2, Sec E - Education.
Explain HB-300: Generally revise taxes and the distribution of revenue through sales tax × Sponsored by: Rep. Kerry White (h) Died In Process on 04/25/2019
You have voted HB-300: Generally revise taxes and the distribution of revenue through sales tax.
Explain SB-12: Require temporary appropriation for state group benefit plan expenditures × Sponsored by: Sen. Dave Lewis (s) Died In Process on 04/24/2013
You have voted SB-12: Require temporary appropriation for state group benefit plan expenditures.
Explain HB-629: Implement negotiated water compacts with Montana tribal governments × Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Williams (h) Died In Standing Committee (h) Judiciary on 04/24/2013
You have voted HB-629: Implement negotiated water compacts with Montana tribal governments.
Explain SB-410: Expend PPL v. MT proceeds on higher producing land to benefit public schools × Sponsored by: Sen. John Brenden Chapter Number Assigned on 05/09/2011
You have voted SB-410: Expend PPL v. MT proceeds on higher producing land to benefit public schools.
Explain HB-646: Referendum for constitutional spending limit × Sponsored by: Rep. Wayne Stahl (h) Died In Standing Committee on 04/28/2011
You have voted HB-646: Referendum for constitutional spending limit.
Explain HB-645: Providing for a budget stabilization account × Sponsored by: Rep. Wayne Stahl (h) Died In Standing Committee on 04/28/2011
You have voted HB-645: Providing for a budget stabilization account.
Explain HB-622: Revising funding for livestock mitigation and control of predatory animals × Sponsored by: Sen. Duane Ankney Chapter Number Assigned on 05/06/2011
You have voted HB-622: Revising funding for livestock mitigation and control of predatory animals.
Explain HB-615: Advance cancer research and treatment × Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Williams Chapter Number Assigned on 05/06/2011
You have voted HB-615: Advance cancer research and treatment.
Explain HB-613: Generally revise elements of the budget process to implement House Bill No. 2 × Sponsored by: Rep. Donald Roberts Chapter Number Assigned on 05/12/2011
You have voted HB-613: Generally revise elements of the budget process to implement House Bill No. 2.
Explain HB-612: Generally revise state healthcare laws to implement House Bill No. 2 × Sponsored by: Rep. Donald Roberts (h) Veto Override Failed In Legislature on 06/10/2011
You have voted HB-612: Generally revise state healthcare laws to implement House Bill No. 2.
Explain HB-611: Generally revise use of accounts and funds × Sponsored by: Rep. Rob Cook Chapter Number Assigned on 05/06/2011
You have voted HB-611: Generally revise use of accounts and funds.
Explain HB-4: Appropriations by budget amendment × Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Mehlhoff Chapter Number Assigned on 05/12/2011
You have voted HB-4: Appropriations by budget amendment.
Explain HB-343: Partial zero-based budgeting for state agency budgets × Sponsored by: Rep. Rob Cook (s) Died In Standing Committee on 04/28/2011
You have voted HB-343: Partial zero-based budgeting for state agency budgets.