Prior Authorizations of State Debt to Fund Capital Projects - Alterations [SB-921]
Amending specified prior Acts of the General Assembly that authorized the creation of State Debt through the issuance, sale, and delivery of general obligation bonds, the proceeds of which were designated for funding specified capital projects; extending the deadline by which specified loan proceeds must be expended or encumbered by the Board of Public Works or by which specified grantees must present evidence that specified matching funds will be provided; altering the purpose of specified grants; etc.
SB-921: Prior Authorizations of State Debt to Fund Capital Projects - Alterations
Sponsored by: Sen. James DeGrange
Hearing 3/23 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/17/2011
Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loan of 2009 - Anne Arundel County - [SB-877]
Amending the Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loan of 2009 to extend the deadline for the Board of Directors of the Annapolis Summer Garden Theatre, Inc. to present evidence that a matching fund will be provided; requiring that the Board of Public Works expend or encumber the proceeds of the loan by June 1, 2013; etc.
SB-877: Maryland Consolidated Capital Bond Loan of 2009 - Anne Arundel County -
Sponsored by: Sen. John Astle
Re-referred Budget And Taxation on 03/02/2011
Prior Authorizations of State Debt to Fund Capital Projects - Alterations [HB-1270]
Amending specified prior Acts of the General Assembly that authorized the creation of State Debt through the issuance, sale, and delivery of general obligation bonds, the proceeds of which were designated for funding specified capital projects; extending the deadline by which specified loan proceeds must be expended or encumbered by the Board of Public Works or by which specified grantees must present evidence that specified matching funds will be provided; altering the purpose of specified grants; etc.
HB-1270: Prior Authorizations of State Debt to Fund Capital Projects - Alterations
Sponsored by: Rep. Adrienne Jones
Unfavorable Report By Appropriations on 04/11/2011
Creation of a State Debt - Anne Arundel County - Clay Street Development [HB-1247]
Authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $250,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Board of Directors of the Bowman Community Development Corporation for the repair and renovation of a building, located in Annapolis; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; establishing a deadline for the encumbrance or expenditure of the loan proceeds; etc.
HB-1247: Creation of a State Debt - Anne Arundel County - Clay Street Development
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Busch
Unfavorable Report By Appropriations on 04/11/2011
Creation of a State Debt - Anne Arundel County - Annapolis Market House [HB-1220]
Authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $300,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Mayor and City Council of the City of Annapolis for the construction, renovation, reconstruction, and capital equipping of the Market House, located in Annapolis; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; establishing a deadline for the encumbrance or expenditure of the loan proceeds; etc.
HB-1220: Creation of a State Debt - Anne Arundel County - Annapolis Market House
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Busch
Unfavorable Report By Appropriations on 04/11/2011
Creation of a State Debt - Anne Arundel County - William Paca House [SB-968]
Authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $200,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Board of Trustees of Historic Annapolis, Inc. for the repair, renovation, and reconstruction of the William Paca House, located in Annapolis; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; establishing a deadline for the encumbrance or expenditure of the loan proceeds; etc.
SB-968: Creation of a State Debt - Anne Arundel County - William Paca House
Sponsored by: Sen. John Astle
Hearing 3/13 At 3:00 P.m. on 03/03/2010
Creation of a State Debt - Anne Arundel County - Annapolis High School Booster [SB-891]
Authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $100,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Board of Directors of the Annapolis High School Sports Booster Club, Inc. for the design and construction of the Annapolis High School Booster Club Concession Stand, located in Annapolis; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; establishing a deadline for the encumbrance or expenditure of the loan proceeds; etc.
SB-891: Creation of a State Debt - Anne Arundel County - Annapolis High School Booster
Sponsored by: Sen. John Astle
Hearing 3/13 At 3:00 P.m. on 03/03/2010
Creation of a State Debt - Anne Arundel County - William Paca House [HB-828]
Authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $200,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Board of Trustees of Historic Annapolis, Inc. for the repair, renovation, and reconstruction of the William Paca House, located in Annapolis; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; establishing a deadline for the encumbrance or expenditure of the loan proceeds; etc.
HB-828: Creation of a State Debt - Anne Arundel County - William Paca House
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Busch
Unfavorable Report By Appropriations on 04/12/2010
Creation of a State Debt - Anne Arundel County - Annapolis High School Booster [HB-1281]
Authorizing the creation of a State Debt not to exceed $100,000, the proceeds to be used as a grant to the Board of Directors of the Annapolis High School Sports Booster Club, Inc. for the design and construction of the Annapolis High School Booster Club Concession Stand, located in Annapolis; providing for disbursement of the loan proceeds, subject to a requirement that the grantee provide and expend a matching fund; establishing a deadline for the encumbrance or expenditure of the loan proceeds; etc.
HB-1281: Creation of a State Debt - Anne Arundel County - Annapolis High School Booster
Sponsored by: Rep. Michael Busch
Unfavorable Report By Appropriations on 04/12/2010
Alcoholic Beverages - Class MD License [HB-1046]
Establishing a Class MD beer, wine, and liquor license for a certain purpose in certain jurisdictions; authorizing a license holder to sell beer, wine, and liquor manufactured in the State for on-premises consumption in accordance with certain requirements; prohibiting a Class MD beer, wine, and liquor license from being subject to, or included in, certain license quotas; specifying the hours and days of sale in certain jurisdictions; and specifying an annual license fee of $200.
HB-1046: Alcoholic Beverages - Class MD License
Sponsored by: Rep. Ken Kerr
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/11/2020
City of Annapolis - Alcoholic Beverages Licenses - Club Public Event Permit [HB-844]
Establishing a club public event permit in the City of Annapolis; authorizing the Board of License Commissioners to issue the permit to a holder of a Class C license; specifying that the permit authorizes a club to sell certain alcoholic beverages to a certain individual for on-premises consumption during a certain public event; requiring a permit holder to apply to the Board at least 45 days before an event; authorizing the Board to approve up to 12 public events per permit holder in a calendar year; etc.
HB-844: City of Annapolis - Alcoholic Beverages Licenses - Club Public Event Permit
Sponsored by: Rep.
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 338 on 05/08/2020
City of Annapolis - Alcoholic Beverages Licenses - Club Public Event Permit [SB-503]
Establishing a club public event permit in the City of Annapolis; authorizing the Board of License Commissioners to issue the permit to a holder of a Class C license; specifying that the permit authorizes a club to sell certain alcoholic beverages to a certain individual for on-premises consumption during a certain public event; requiring a permit holder to apply to the Board at least 45 days before an event; authorizing the Board to approve up to 12 public events per permit holder in a calendar year; etc.
SB-503: City of Annapolis - Alcoholic Beverages Licenses - Club Public Event Permit
Sponsored by: Sen. Sarah Elfreth
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 339 on 05/08/2020
City of Annapolis - Housing Authority - Prohibitions Against Exceptions to Local Laws [HB-544]
Prohibiting a State public body from making an exception for the Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis to a law, rule, regulation, or ordinance that operates in Annapolis and relates to licensure or the inspection of real property, subject to certain exceptions; and applying the Act prospectively.
HB-544: City of Annapolis - Housing Authority - Prohibitions Against Exceptions to Local Laws
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Chang
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 241 on 05/08/2020
City of Annapolis - Housing Authority - Prohibitions Against Exceptions to Local Laws [SB-288]
Prohibiting a State public body from making an exception for the Housing Authority of the City of Annapolis to a law, rule, regulation, or ordinance that operates in Annapolis and relates to licensure or the inspection of real property, subject to certain exceptions; and applying the Act prospectively.
SB-288: City of Annapolis - Housing Authority - Prohibitions Against Exceptions to Local Laws
Sponsored by: Sen. James Rosapepe
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 242 on 05/08/2020
Office of Legislative Audits - Performance Audits - Local Alcoholic Beverages Licensing Boards [HB-792]
Requiring the Office of Legislative Audits, at the request of the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House, to conduct a performance audit of the local alcoholic beverages licensing board for a county or the City of Annapolis to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of the board's management practices and use of resources; authorizing the employees and specified representatives of the Office of Legislative Audits to have access to specified records; requiring specified audit reports to be sent to specified persons; etc.
HB-792: Office of Legislative Audits - Performance Audits - Local Alcoholic Beverages Licensing Boards
Sponsored by: Rep. Talmadge Branch
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 524 on 05/04/2017