You have voted HB-277: Montgomery County – Alcoholic Beverages – Holders of Class B–BWL (Clubhouse/Lodge) License and Class 7 Micro–Brewery License MC 16–23.
Harford County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class L License [SB-1000]
Establishing a Class L beer, wine, and liquor license in Harford County; authorizing the Board of License Commissioners for the county to issue the license to a holder of a manufacturer's license; authorizing the license holder to hold another license or permit issued by the Board; specifying that the license authorizes the license holder to sell or provide samples of certain beer, wine, and liquor for on-premises consumption under certain circumstances; requiring the license holder to provide prepackaged snacks; etc.
SB-1000: Harford County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class L License
Property Tax - Agricultural Accessory Use Improvements - Study and Report [HB-1282]
Requiring the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Assessments and Taxation to jointly conduct a study of the assessment of agricultural accessory use improvements to review whether agricultural accessory use improvements should be assessed using a different methodology from improvements located on nonagricultural land; and requiring the departments to submit a joint report of their findings and recommendations to certain committees of the General Assembly by December 1, 2022.
HB-1282: Property Tax - Agricultural Accessory Use Improvements - Study and Report
Sponsored by: Rep. Haven Shoemaker
Third Reading Passed (135-0) on 04/07/2022
Worcester County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class L License [HB-1123]
Establishing a Class L beer, wine, and liquor license in Worcester County; authorizing the Board of License Commissioners to issue the license to a holder of a manufacturer's license; specifying that the license authorizes the license holder to sell or provide samples of certain beer, wine, and liquor for on-premises consumption under certain circumstances; providing the hours of sale are the same as those for the underlying manufacturer's license; and establishing an annual license fee of $250.
HB-1123: Worcester County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class L License
Sponsored by: Rep. Charles Otto
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/17/2022
Maryland Loan Assistance Repayment for Nurses and Nursing Support Staff - Program Establishment and Funding [HB-975]
Establishing the Maryland Loan Assistance Repayment Program Fund for Nurses and Nursing Support Staff to assist certain nurses and nursing support staff with the repayment of certain education loans; establishing the Maryland Loan Assistance Repayment Program for Nurses and Nursing Support Staff; requiring the Maryland Department of Health to convene a certain stakeholder workgroup to make recommendations on the priorities for funding the repayment of education loans through the program; etc.
HB-975: Maryland Loan Assistance Repayment for Nurses and Nursing Support Staff - Program Establishment and Funding
Sponsored by: Rep. Anne Kaiser
Referred Rules on 04/09/2022
Alcoholic Beverages – Maryland Alcohol Manufacturing and Promotion [HB-854]
Repealing the Maryland Wine and Grape Promotion Fund and the Advisory Commission on Maryland Wine and Grape Growing; establishing the Advisory Commission on Maryland Alcohol Manufacturing in the Department of Commerce as the successor to the Advisory Commission on Maryland Wine and Grape Growing; establishing the Maryland Alcohol Manufacturing Promotion Fund to provide grants that promote the advantages and attributes of State breweries, distilleries, and wineries and their products; etc.
HB-854: Alcoholic Beverages – Maryland Alcohol Manufacturing and Promotion
Sponsored by: Rep. Jheanelle Wilkins
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 461 on 05/16/2022
Alcoholic Beverages - Maryland Alcohol Manufacturing and Promotion [SB-698]
Repealing the Maryland Wine and Grape Promotion Fund and the Advisory Commission on Maryland Wine and Grape Growing; establishing the Advisory Commission on Maryland Alcohol Manufacturing in the Department of Commerce as the successor to the Advisory Commission on Maryland Wine and Grape Growing; establishing the Maryland Alcohol Manufacturing Promotion Fund to provide grants that promote the advantages and attributes of State breweries, distilleries, and wineries and their products; etc.
SB-698: Alcoholic Beverages - Maryland Alcohol Manufacturing and Promotion
Sponsored by: Sen. Craig Zucker
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 462 on 05/16/2022
Property Tax - Agricultural Accessory Use Improvements - Study and Report [SB-567]
Requiring the Department of Agriculture and the State Department of Assessments and Taxation to jointly conduct a study of the assessment of agricultural accessory use improvements to review whether agricultural accessory use improvements should be assessed using a different methodology from improvements located on nonagricultural land; and requiring the departments to submit a joint report of their findings and recommendations to certain committees of the General Assembly by December 1, 2022.
SB-567: Property Tax - Agricultural Accessory Use Improvements - Study and Report
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 643 on 05/29/2022
Alcoholic Beverages - Manufacturer's Licenses and Off-Site Permits - Sunset Extension [HB-550]
Repealing the termination date for various provisions relating to alcoholic beverages manufacturer's licenses and off-site permits, including provisions repealing specified permits and establishing a manufacturer off-site permit and brewery special event permit; extending the termination date for provisions relating to the authorization of holders of certain manufacturer's licenses to sell and deliver and to directly ship their own alcoholic beverages products to certain individuals under certain circumstances; etc.
Alcoholic Beverages - Manufacturer's Licenses and Off-Site Permits - Sunset Extension [SB-476]
Repealing the termination date for various provisions relating to alcoholic beverages manufacturer's licenses and off-site permits, including provisions repealing specified permits and establishing a manufacturer off-site permit and brewery special event permit; extending the termination date for provisions relating to the authorization of holders of certain manufacturer's licenses to sell and deliver and to directly ship their own alcoholic beverages products to certain individuals under certain circumstances; etc.
Minority Participation in the Alcoholic Beverages Industry – Study [HB-324]
Requiring the Governor's Office of Small, Minority, and Women Business Affairs to conduct a study of the participation of minority-owned businesses in the alcoholic beverages industry in the State; requiring the Office of the Attorney General and the Department of Transportation to provide staff for the study; and requiring the Office to report its finding and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly by January 1, 2023.
HB-324: Minority Participation in the Alcoholic Beverages Industry – Study
Sponsored by: Rep. Edith Patterson
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 749 on 05/29/2022
Worcester County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class L License [SB-351]
Establishing a Class L beer, wine, and liquor license in Worcester County; authorizing the Board of License Commissioners to issue the license to a holder of a manufacturer's license; specifying that the license authorizes the license holder to sell or provide samples of certain beer, wine, and liquor for on-premises consumption under certain circumstances; providing the hours of sale are the same as those for the underlying manufacturer's license; and establishing an annual license fee of $250.
SB-351: Worcester County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class L License
Sponsored by: Sen. Mary Carozza
Hearing 3/04 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/10/2022
Montgomery County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class B Beer, Wine, and Liquor (Clubhouse/Lodge) License - Manufacturer's Licenses MC 23-22 [HB-232]
Authorizing the holder of a Class B-BWL (clubhouse/lodge) license in Montgomery County to be issued a Class 4 limited winery license and a Class 7 micro-brewery license to manufacture, sell, and serve certain products; and providing that certain restrictions and requirements on the holder of a Class 4 limited winery license do not apply to the holder of both a Class B-BWL (clubhouse/lodge) license and a Class 4 limited winery license.
HB-232: Montgomery County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class B Beer, Wine, and Liquor (Clubhouse/Lodge) License - Manufacturer's Licenses MC 23-22
Sponsored by: No sponsors
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 744 on 05/29/2022
You have voted HB-232: Montgomery County - Alcoholic Beverages - Class B Beer, Wine, and Liquor (Clubhouse/Lodge) License - Manufacturer's Licenses MC 23-22.
Minority Participation in the Alcoholic Beverages Industry – Study [SB-72]
Requiring the Governor's Office of Small, Minority, and Women Business Affairs to conduct a study of the participation of minority-owned businesses in the alcoholic beverages industry in the State; requiring the Office of the Attorney General and the Department of Transportation to provide staff for the study; and requiring the Office to report its findings and recommendations to the Governor and the General Assembly by January 1, 2023.
SB-72: Minority Participation in the Alcoholic Beverages Industry – Study
Sponsored by: Sen. Obie Patterson
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 750 on 05/29/2022