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Explain HB-250: Revise alcohol laws relating to server training × Sponsored by: Rep. Kelly Kortum (h) Missed Deadline For General Bill Transmittal on 03/10/2023
You have voted HB-250: Revise alcohol laws relating to server training.
Explain HB-248: Provide supplemental payments for behavioral health services × Sponsored by: Rep. Ed Stafman (h) Missed Deadline For Appropriation Bill Transmittal on 04/06/2023
You have voted HB-248: Provide supplemental payments for behavioral health services.
Explain HB-242: Revise alcohol laws to increase all-beverage license ownership limits × Sponsored by: Rep. Edward Buttrey Chapter Number Assigned on 05/04/2023
You have voted HB-242: Revise alcohol laws to increase all-beverage license ownership limits.
Explain HB-229: Generally revise marijuana laws related to testing laboratories × Sponsored by: Rep. Mike Hopkins Chapter Number Assigned on 05/22/2023
You have voted HB-229: Generally revise marijuana laws related to testing laboratories.
Explain SB-160: Generally revise drug and human trafficking laws × Sponsored by: Sen. Bradley Molnar (h) Died In Standing Committee on 05/08/2023
You have voted SB-160: Generally revise drug and human trafficking laws.
Explain SB-150: Generally revise laws related to drug testing in CPS cases × Sponsored by: Sen. Dennis Lenz Chapter Number Assigned on 05/04/2023
You have voted SB-150: Generally revise laws related to drug testing in CPS cases.
Explain HB-194: Extending the expiration date for medical marijuana registry cards for veterans × Sponsored by: Rep. Tony Brockman (h) Missed Deadline For General Bill Transmittal on 03/10/2023
You have voted HB-194: Extending the expiration date for medical marijuana registry cards for veterans.
Explain HB-177: Revise alcohol laws related to resort areas × Sponsored by: Rep. Edward Buttrey (h) Missed Deadline For General Bill Transmittal on 03/10/2023
You have voted HB-177: Revise alcohol laws related to resort areas.
Explain SB-107: Revising laws relating to civil liability for injuries involving alcohol × Sponsored by: Rep. Steve Fitzpatrick Chapter Number Assigned on 05/02/2023
You have voted SB-107: Revising laws relating to civil liability for injuries involving alcohol.
Explain SB-94: Generally revise laws related to recovery residences × Sponsored by: Sen. Barry Usher Chapter Number Assigned on 05/22/2023
You have voted SB-94: Generally revise laws related to recovery residences.
Explain HB-164: Revise alcohol laws relating to catering endorsements × Sponsored by: Sen. Derek Harvey Chapter Number Assigned on 05/19/2023
You have voted HB-164: Revise alcohol laws relating to catering endorsements.
Explain HB-160: Revise laws related to alcohol advertising × Sponsored by: Sen. Derek Harvey Chapter Number Assigned on 03/06/2023
You have voted HB-160: Revise laws related to alcohol advertising.
Explain HB-166: Generally revise laws related to seasonal alcohol licenses × Sponsored by: Sen. Derek Harvey Chapter Number Assigned on 03/06/2023
You have voted HB-166: Generally revise laws related to seasonal alcohol licenses.
Explain HB-165: Revise laws related to agency liquor stores in certain communities × Sponsored by: Sen. Derek Harvey (h) Missed Deadline For General Bill Transmittal on 03/10/2023
You have voted HB-165: Revise laws related to agency liquor stores in certain communities.
Explain SB-90: Allow for certain exceptions related to bottle clubs × Sponsored by: Sen. Ellie Boldman (s) Missed Deadline For General Bill Transmittal on 03/13/2023
You have voted SB-90: Allow for certain exceptions related to bottle clubs.
Explain HB-155: Generally revise laws related to alcohol licenses × Sponsored by: Rep. Katie Zolnikov Chapter Number Assigned on 04/19/2023
You have voted HB-155: Generally revise laws related to alcohol licenses.
Explain HB-157: Generally revise laws related to alcohol × Sponsored by: Rep. Wayne Rusk Chapter Number Assigned on 03/06/2023
You have voted HB-157: Generally revise laws related to alcohol.
Explain HB-144: Generally revise laws related to competitive bidding requirements × Sponsored by: Rep. Paul Green Chapter Number Assigned on 04/19/2023
You have voted HB-144: Generally revise laws related to competitive bidding requirements.
Explain HB-145: Generally revise laws related to alcohol license applications × Sponsored by: Rep. Paul Green (c) Printed - Enrolled Version Available on 03/06/2023
You have voted HB-145: Generally revise laws related to alcohol license applications.
Explain HB-137: Generally revise laws related to the board of behavioral health × Sponsored by: Rep. Greg Oblander Chapter Number Assigned on 05/22/2023
You have voted HB-137: Generally revise laws related to the board of behavioral health.