HB-1266: Relating to the administration of seed and plant certification in this state by the State Seed and Plant Certification Council and the Texas Crop Improvement Association.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kyle Kacal
Read First Time on 03/04/2021
You have voted HB-1266: Relating to the administration of seed and plant certification in this state by the State Seed and Plant Certification Council and the Texas Crop Improvement Association..
Climate Solutions Now Act of 2021 [HB-583]
Requiring the State to reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions by 60% from 2006 levels by 2030; requiring the State to achieve net-zero statewide greenhouse gas emissions by 2045; requiring the Maryland Department of Labor to adopt regulations establishing certain energy conservation requirements for certain buildings by July 1, 2022; establishing a goal of planting and helping to maintain in the State 5,000,000 sustainable trees of species native to the State by the end of 2030; terminating certain provisions of the Act; etc.
HB-583: Climate Solutions Now Act of 2021
Sponsored by: Rep. Dana Stein
Hearing 2/11 At 1:30 P.m. (environment And Transportation) on 01/28/2021
Climate Solutions Now Act of 2021 [SB-414]
Requiring the State to reduce statewide greenhouse gas emissions by 60% from 2006 levels by 2030; requiring the State to achieve net-zero statewide greenhouse gas emissions by 2045; requiring the Maryland Department of Labor to adopt regulations establishing certain energy conservation requirements for certain buildings by July 1, 2022; establishing a goal of planting and helping to maintain in the State 5,000,000 sustainable trees of species native to the State by the end of 2030; etc.
SB-414: Climate Solutions Now Act of 2021
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
House Conference Committee Appointed (delegates Barve, Stein And Brooks) on 04/12/2021
Department of Assessments and Taxation - Identification Number for Business - Task Force [SB-366]
Requiring the Department of Assessments and Taxation to convene a task force to study and make recommendations to the Governor and General Assembly by December 1, 2021, on the adoption of a unique Maryland Identification Number for each registered or licensed business in the State to be used by certain State agencies; requiring the task force to include representatives of certain State agencies; authorizing the task force to include representatives of certain State agencies; providing for the duties of the task force; etc.
SB-366: Department of Assessments and Taxation - Identification Number for Business - Task Force
Sponsored by: Sen. Cory McCray
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 88 on 04/13/2021
Montgomery County – Deer Management Permit Pilot Program MC 15–21 [HB-490]
Providing that specified provisions of law related to the sale of livestock apply to specified deer; providing that the Maryland Wholesome Meat Act applies to specified deer; establishing the Deer Management Permit Pilot Program in Montgomery County to develop a commercial market for venison legally taken by a person with a Deer Management Permit; authorizing a person who harvests deer under a permit to sell or offer for sale the meat or carcass of the deer in accordance with certain regulations; etc.
HB-490: Montgomery County – Deer Management Permit Pilot Program MC 15–21
Sponsored by: Rep.
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/11/2021
Department of Assessments and Taxation - Identification Number for Business - Task Force [HB-441]
Requiring the Department of Assessments and Taxation to convene a task force to study and make recommendations on the adoption of a unique Maryland Identification Number for each registered or licensed business in the State to be used by certain State agencies; requiring the task force to include representatives of certain State agencies; authorizing the task force to include representatives of certain other State agencies; providing for the duties of the task force; etc.
HB-441: Department of Assessments and Taxation - Identification Number for Business - Task Force
Sponsored by: Sen. Mike McKay
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 89 on 04/13/2021
Agriculture - Processing of Poultry Litter for Alternative Use [HB-455]
Requiring the processing of poultry litter for a certain alternative use, or the resulting product, to meet certain requirements; requiring a certain product to be able to be procured and handled or applied in a certain manner for a certain purpose; authorizing the transportation of a certain alternative use product off the Delmarva Peninsula to certain markets and using a certain distribution apparatus; etc.
HB-455: Agriculture - Processing of Poultry Litter for Alternative Use
Sponsored by: Rep. Jay Jacobs
Withdrawn By Sponsor on 03/01/2021
SB-306: Relating to information on projected changes in weather, water availability, and climate variability in strategic plans of certain state agencies.
Sponsored by: Sen. Sarah Eckhardt
Read First Time on 03/09/2021
You have voted SB-306: Relating to information on projected changes in weather, water availability, and climate variability in strategic plans of certain state agencies..
Agriculture – Multiflora Rose Management – Repeal [SB-352]
Repealing provisions of law declaring that the existence of multiflora rose may be a certain nuisance on land used for agricultural production; repealing provisions of law requiring a person who owns land where multiflora rose is grown to maintain the land in a certain manner; repealing provisions of law requiring the Secretary of Agriculture to make a certain investigation under certain circumstances; repealing provisions of law requiring the Secretary to provide certain notice of a certain violation; etc.
SB-352: Agriculture – Multiflora Rose Management – Repeal
Sponsored by: Sen.
Hearing 1/14 At 3:00 P.m. on 12/29/2021
Department of Agriculture - Urban Agriculture Grant Program [HB-269]
Establishing the Urban Agriculture Grant Program in the Department of Agriculture to increase the viability of urban farming and improve access to urban-grown foods; establishing an Urban Agriculture Grant Fund to provide grants to nonprofit organizations in Baltimore City; requiring the Secretary of Agriculture to administer the Fund; authorizing the Governor to include in the annual budget bill an appropriation for the Fund; requiring the Department to seek input from certain entities in adopting certain regulations; etc.
HB-269: Department of Agriculture - Urban Agriculture Grant Program
Sponsored by: Rep. Melissa Wells
Hearing 1/15 At 11:00 A.m. on 12/22/2021
Agriculture – License to Produce Hemp – Limitation [HB-249]
Altering a certain licensing requirement for producing hemp in the State; prohibiting the Department of Agriculture from issuing a license to a person to produce hemp if the Department determines that the land subject to a license application is located within 25 feet of a property or properties with three or more individual residences, unless the person agrees to produce hemp in an indoor facility that exhausts its fumes to the outside with an approved apparatus; requiring the Department to make a certain determination; etc.
HB-249: Agriculture – License to Produce Hemp – Limitation
Sponsored by: Rep. Jon Cardin
Hearing 1/20 At 1:30 P.m. on 12/22/2021
Maryland Green Purchasing Committee - Food and Beverage Procurement - Greenhouse Gas Emissions [HB-317]
Requiring the Maryland Green Purchasing Committee, in consultation with certain units of State government and other stakeholders, to develop, by January 1, 2023, a certain methodology for a unit to estimate greenhouse gas emissions of food and beverages procured, to establish a certain baseline measurement by January 1, 2024, and to consider the nutrition of individuals fully or partially dependent on the State for their diet when developing strategies; etc.
HB-317: Maryland Green Purchasing Committee - Food and Beverage Procurement - Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Sponsored by: Rep. James Gilchrist
Hearing 1/21 At 1:30 P.m. on 12/23/2021
Procurement - Invasive Plant Species - Prohibition on Use of State Funds [HB-92]
Prohibiting, subject to a certain exception, the use of State funds to purchase or plant an invasive plant species for an outdoor project on or after July 1, 2022; and providing that the prohibition does not apply if the plant species is commonly used for agricultural or horticultural purposes and is being maintained for the purposes of education or research.
HB-92: Procurement - Invasive Plant Species - Prohibition on Use of State Funds
Sponsored by: Rep. Eric Luedtke
Hearing 1/28 At 1:30 P.m. on 12/23/2021
Public Health – Maryland Commission on Health Equity (The Shirley Nathan–Pulliam Health Equity Act of 2021) [SB-52]
Requiring the State designated exchange to participate in a certain advisory committee, maintain a certain data set, and provide data under certain circumstances; authorizing the State designated exchange to use certain data to improve outcomes for patients; establishing the Maryland Commission on Health Equity to employ a health equity framework by taking a collaborative approach to improve health outcomes and reduce health inequities in the State and incorporating health considerations into broad-based decision making; etc.
SB-52: Public Health – Maryland Commission on Health Equity (The Shirley Nathan–Pulliam Health Equity Act of 2021)
Sponsored by: Sen. Mary Washington
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 750 on 05/30/2021
Department of Agriculture - Spay/Neuter Fund - Extension and Report [HB-146]
Requiring the Department of Agriculture to report to the General Assembly by October 1, 2021, on spay and neuter programs that are not receiving funding from the Spay/Neuter Fund, the market capacity for increasing the fees assessed on each brand name or product name commercial feed, and a proposed fee structure to enhance the revenue generated from certain assessed fees; and extending the termination date to September 30, 2032, for provisions of law relating to the Fund.
HB-146: Department of Agriculture - Spay/Neuter Fund - Extension and Report
Sponsored by: Rep. Carol Krimm
Hearing 1/29 At 1:30 P.m. on 12/22/2021
Public Health - Maryland Commission on Health Equity (The Shirley Nathan-Pulliam Health Equity Act of 2021) [HB-78]
Requiring the State designated exchange to participate in a certain advisory committee, maintain a certain data set, and provide data under certain circumstances; authorizing the State designated exchange to use certain data to improve outcomes for patients; establishing the Maryland Commission on Health Equity to employ a health equity framework by taking a collaborative approach to improve health outcomes and reduce health inequities in the State and incorporating health considerations into broad-based decision making; etc.
HB-78: Public Health - Maryland Commission on Health Equity (The Shirley Nathan-Pulliam Health Equity Act of 2021)
Sponsored by: Rep. Jheanelle Wilkins
Hearing 1/26 At 1:30 P.m. on 12/23/2021
Agriculture - Cost-Sharing Program - State Cost-Sharing Funds [SB-344]
Increasing from 87.5% to 100% the percentage of eligible costs for which State cost-sharing funds may be made available for projects that prevent or control agriculturally related nonpoint source water pollution.
SB-344: Agriculture - Cost-Sharing Program - State Cost-Sharing Funds
Sponsored by: Sen.
Hearing 1/14 At 3:00 P.m. on 12/29/2021