AN ACT relating to the regulation of cannabis and making an appropriation therefor. [SB-186]
Establish KRS Chapter 245, relating to cannabis, to administer its cultivation, processing, transportation, sale, use, taxation, and licensing; define terms; establish the Cannabis Control Board and its membership, procedures, powers, and duties; direct the board to promulgate administrative regulations for the administration and enforcement of the chapter; set up advisory committees appointed by the board; create the Department of Cannabis Control within the Public Protection Cabinet for the daily oversight of cannabis operations and to provide
SB-186: AN ACT relating to the regulation of cannabis and making an appropriation therefor.
Sponsored by: Sen. Morgan McGarvey
To Appropriations & Revenue (s) on 02/22/2022
AN ACT relating to the Commonwealth Education Continuum. [HB-503]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 164 to establish the Commonwealth Education Continuum; specify the membership of the continuum; establish the terms of members; require the Council on Postsecondary Education to act as the administrative body for the continuum; establish reporting requirements to the Interim Joint Committee on Education.
HB-503: AN ACT relating to the Commonwealth Education Continuum.
Sponsored by: Rep. James Tipton
Introduced In House on 02/16/2022
AN ACT relating to emergency medical services. [HB-505]
Amend sections of KRS Chapter 311A to update definitions; create the Kentucky Board of Emergency Medical Services as an independent agency of state government; change membership of the board; delete the licensure of ambulances and ambulance services from the board duties; update language and delete certificate of need language; correct references to training institutions; make conforming changes; create new sections of KRS Chapter 216B to define terms; require the Cabinet for Health and Family Services to license and regulate ambulances and ambulance
HB-505: AN ACT relating to emergency medical services.
Sponsored by: Rep. Kimberly Moser
Withdrawn on 03/07/2022
AN ACT relating to ensuring the reliability and resiliency of the electric grid. [HB-470]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 278 to define terms; require the Public Service Commission to develop rules and procedures to ensure that the Commonwealth's electric grid is reliable and resilient; establish standards; require intermittent power to provide firming power up to its average output level during periods of peak net load; provide that the minimum reserve margin shall be a primary consideration when retiring or adding electric generation; require the Public Service Commission to coordinate with regional transmission organizations to
HB-470: AN ACT relating to ensuring the reliability and resiliency of the electric grid.
Sponsored by: Rep. Jim Gooch
Introduced In House on 02/09/2022
AN ACT relating to superintendent screening committees. [SB-92]
Amend KRS 160.352 to provide that a parent member on a screening committee shall not be employed by the school district; require greater minority representation on a screening committee in a school district with a minority student population of 50 percent or greater.
SB-92: AN ACT relating to superintendent screening committees.
Sponsored by: Sen. Julie Adams
To Education (s) on 01/18/2022
AN ACT relating to the acquisition of conservation equipment. [SB-53]
Amend KRS 262.330 to include heavy or specialized equipment acquired by the Soil and Water Conservation Commission with the types of equipment that the board of a conservation district may make available or lease to landowners and occupiers within the district; amend KRS 262.610 to allow a conservation district to apply jointly with a person residing in the district to the Soil and Water Conservation Commission to acquire heavy or specialized equipment; prohibit the joint application by conservation districts and persons for the acquisition of infrastructure;
SB-53: AN ACT relating to the acquisition of conservation equipment.
Sponsored by: Sen. Paul Hornback
Recommitted To Appropriations & Revenue (h) on 03/29/2022
AN ACT relating to lung cancer screening. [HB-219]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 214 to define "department" and "program"; establish the Lung Cancer Screening and Prevention Program within the Department for Public Health; provide that services may be undertaken by private contract or operated by the department; allow the program to provide referral, examination, and rescreening services for uninsured and underinsured individuals for whom further examination or treatment is indicated by the lung cancer screening; require the department to adopt a schedule of income-based fees to be charged
HB-219: AN ACT relating to lung cancer screening.
Sponsored by: Rep. Derrick Graham
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 71) on 03/31/2022
AN ACT relating to legislative oversight of health, welfare, and family services issues. [SB-43]
Amend KRS 21A.190, 157.065, 194A.030, 194A.365, 199.665, 199.8943, 199.8983, 211.684, 605.120, 620.055, 620.320, and 620.345 to remove reference to the Child Welfare Oversight and Advisory Committee; amend KRS 200.575 to remove reference to the Child Welfare Oversight and Advisory Committee and replace it with Legislative Research Commission; repeal KRS 6.940, relating to the Medicaid Oversight and Advisory Committee and KRS 6.943, relating to the Child Welfare Oversight and Advisory Committee; EFFECTIVE January 1, 2023.
SB-43: AN ACT relating to legislative oversight of health, welfare, and family services issues.
Sponsored by: Sen. Stephen Meredith
Taken From Committee On Committees (h) on 03/25/2022
AN ACT relating to economic fiscal matters. [HB-143]
Create new sections of KRS Chapter 7A to establish the Tax Expenditure and Economic Development Incentive Review Board and specify the board's membership, authority, powers and duties; establish requirements for board meetings; establish requirements for when the General Assembly enacts new tax expenditures or economic development incentives; require agencies to assign taxpayers a unique number for purposes of reporting tax expenditures and economic development incentives; amend KRS 11.068 to require the annual production of a detailed estimate
HB-143: AN ACT relating to economic fiscal matters.
Sponsored by: Rep. Ken Fleming
Introduced In House on 01/04/2022
AN ACT relating to the Licensed Professional Counseling Compact. [HB-65]
Create a new section within KRS Chapter 335.500 to 335.599 to declare the purpose of the Licensed Professional Counseling Compact; establish definitions; establish requirements for states that want to enter the compact; recognize a multistate licensure privilege to practice for licensed professional counselors; establish provisions for active duty military personnel or their spouses; recognize a multistate licensure privilege to practice for licensed professional counselors in any member state via telehealth; establish procedures for adverse actions
HB-65: AN ACT relating to the Licensed Professional Counseling Compact.
Sponsored by: Rep. Norma Kirk-McCormick
Signed By Governor (acts Ch. 127) on 04/08/2022
AN ACT relating to health care to provide for an all-payer claims database and making an appropriation therefor. [HB-60]
Create a new section of KRS Chapter 194A to require the executive director of the Office of Health Data and Analytics to establish an advisory committee to make recommendations regarding the creation and implementation of a Kentucky all-payer claims database; establish the Kentucky all-payer claims database fund; require the executive director to establish the database if certain conditions are met; set forth requirements for the database; amend KRS 304.2-100 to require the commissioner of the Department of Insurance to assist; create a new section
HB-60: AN ACT relating to health care to provide for an all-payer claims database and making an appropriation therefor.
Sponsored by: Rep. Joni Jenkins
Introduced In House on 01/04/2022
AN ACT relating to emergency services. [HB-151]
Amend KRS 205.590 to establish a new technical advisory committee on emergency medical services consisting of members representing the air medical industry, the Kentucky Board of Emergency Services, emergency medical services billing industry, and ground ambulance providers.
HB-151: AN ACT relating to emergency services.
Sponsored by: Rep. Melinda Prunty
To Health & Family Services (h) on 02/02/2022
AN ACT relating to gaming. [HB-534]
Amend KRS 154A.030 to insert gender-neutral language and remove outdated language; amend KRS 238.520 to insert-gender neutral language.
HB-534: AN ACT relating to gaming.
Sponsored by: Rep. Adam Koenig
Introduced In House on 02/22/2021
AN ACT relating to veterans. [SB-246]
Amend KRS 154.12-330 to give preference to veterans in the issuance of small business loans; amend KRS 154.12-213 to require monthly veteran workforce reports; create a new section of KRS Chapter 154 to require annual job training reports by the Kentucky Commission on Military Affairs; create a new section of KRS Chapter 154 to require a report on occupational licenses by the Kentucky Commission on Military Affairs; create a new section of KRS Chapter 311 to require the Kentucky Board of Medical Licensure to review licensing practices for nurses
SB-246: AN ACT relating to veterans.
Sponsored by: Sen. Karen Berg
To Veterans, Military Affairs, & Public Protection (s) on 02/22/2021
You have voted HB-427: AN ACT relating to the Kentucky Opioid Abatement Advisory Commission, making an appropriation therefor, and declaring an emergency..
AN ACT relating to reorganization. [SB-159]
Amend KRS 36.010 to reassign divisions in the Office of Management and Administration to the Office of the Adjutant General; repeal KRS 36.250, 36.255, 36.260, 36.265, and 36.270, relating to the Kentucky Community Crisis Response Board; and confirm Executive Order 2020-1035.
SB-159: AN ACT relating to reorganization.
Sponsored by: Sen. Adrienne Southworth
Posted For Passage For Concurrence In House Floor Amendments (1), (3) And (4-title) on 03/30/2021