Foster Parents, Preadoptive Parents, and Caregivers – Request to Intervene [SB-586]
Requiring the circuit court to provide notice to a child's foster parent, preadoptive parent, or caregiver of the right to request to be designated as a party in a certain proceeding except under certain circumstances; authorizing a court, in its discretion, to grant certain status to certain parties in certain proceedings; requiring a court to grant certain status to certain parties in certain proceedings; etc.
SB-586: Foster Parents, Preadoptive Parents, and Caregivers – Request to Intervene
Sponsored by: Sen. Ronald Young
Hearing Canceled on 03/14/2020
Labor and Employment - Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program - Establishment [SB-539]
Establishing the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program to provide temporary benefits to a covered individual who is taking leave from employment; establishing the Family and Medical Leave Insurance Fund; requiring, beginning January 1, 2021, certain employees, employers, and self-employed individuals to pay certain contributions; authorizing, beginning July 1, 2022, a covered individual taking certain leave from employment to submit a claim for benefits; authorizing the establishment of private employer plans; etc.
SB-539: Labor and Employment - Family and Medical Leave Insurance Program - Establishment
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Hearing 2/27 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/04/2020
Maryland College Investment Plan - State Contribution Incentives [HB-629]
Requiring the State Treasurer to make a $100 deposit into an omnibus account for each child born or adopted in the State on or after January 1, 2022; requiring the Maryland 529 Board to administer and manage the omnibus account and to adopt certain procedures to carry out the Act; requiring the State Treasurer, the Maryland Department of Health, the Department of Human Services, and the Board to exchange certain information to carry out the Act; etc.
HB-629: Maryland College Investment Plan - State Contribution Incentives
Sponsored by: Rep. Nick Mosby
Hearing 2/25 At 1:00 P.m. on 01/31/2020
Primary and Secondary Schools - Dependent Children of Service Members - Enrollment and Documentation Requirements [SB-391]
Requiring a county superintendent of schools to allow a dependent child of a service member relocating to the State on military orders to enroll in a school in the county in accordance with certain provisions of law; requiring a county superintendent to allow a dependent child of a certain service member to apply for enrollment in a certain public school in the same manner and at the same time as individuals domiciled in the county; requiring the service member to provide certain documentation to the school by a certain time; etc.
SB-391: Primary and Secondary Schools - Dependent Children of Service Members - Enrollment and Documentation Requirements
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 225 on 05/08/2020
Primary and Secondary Schools - Dependent Children of Service Members - Enrollment and Documentation Requirements [HB-503]
Requiring a county superintendent of schools to allow a dependent child of a service member relocating to the State on military orders to enroll in a school in the county in accordance with certain provisions of law; requiring a county superintendent to allow a dependent child of a certain service member to apply for enrollment in a certain public school in the same manner and at the same time as individuals domiciled in the county; requiring the service member to provide certain documentation to the school by a certain time; etc.
HB-503: Primary and Secondary Schools - Dependent Children of Service Members - Enrollment and Documentation Requirements
Sponsored by: Rep. Seth Howard
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 224 on 05/08/2020
Foster Parents, Preadoptive Parents, and Caregivers - Right to Intervene [HB-369]
Requiring the circuit court to provide notice to a child's foster parent, preadoptive parent, or caregiver of the right to intervene as a party in a certain proceeding except under certain circumstances; granting certain rights to certain individuals in certain proceedings; granting the right to intervene in certain proceedings and the right to obtain all nonprivileged information in documents pertaining to the placement of a child; requiring a party who asserts that information in a document is privileged is required to meet certain criteria; etc.
HB-369: Foster Parents, Preadoptive Parents, and Caregivers - Right to Intervene
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary; Withdrawn on 03/06/2020
Agriculture - Animal Shelters - Waiver of Adoption Fee [HB-114]
Authorizing an animal shelter to waive the adoption fee for a dog or cat if the adopter presents a valid driver's license or identification card indicating veteran status, serves as a first responder, or represents an organization that trains and provides service animals for persons with disabilities.
HB-114: Agriculture - Animal Shelters - Waiver of Adoption Fee
Sponsored by: Rep. Robert Long
Hearing Canceled on 01/21/2020
Family Law - Parentage and Adoption - Definitions [HB-96]
Altering the definition of "mother" so as to deny inclusion of a gamete donor unless the gamete donor and the child's mother agree in writing that the gamete donor will be a parent of the child, or at the time of the child's conception or birth, the gamete donor is married to the child's mother.
HB-96: Family Law - Parentage and Adoption - Definitions
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais
Hearing Canceled on 03/15/2020
Local Government – Animal Control Facilities – Adoption Fee Waiver for Veterans
(Pets for Vets Act of 2020) [SB-128]
Requiring an animal control facility operated by a county or municipality to waive the adoption fee for a dog or cat for a veteran who presents a valid driver's license or identification card that includes a notation of veteran status; authorizing an animal control facility to limit the number of adoption fee waivers granted to an individual under the Act to one dog and one cat within a 6-month period; and applying the Act to all counties and municipalities.
SB-128: Local Government – Animal Control Facilities – Adoption Fee Waiver for Veterans
(Pets for Vets Act of 2020)
Sponsored by: Sen. Douglas Peters
Hearing Canceled on 03/16/2020
Animal Shelters - Standards of Operation [HB-57]
Requiring a certain animal shelter to conform certain protocols with certain provisions of law; providing that certain provisions do not apply to an animal experiencing irremediable physical suffering; requiring an animal shelter to take reasonable steps to achieve a save rate of 90% of impounded animals; requiring an animal shelter to make certain animals available to be reclaimed by an owner for at least a certain number of days; requiring an animal shelter to make a reasonable effort to identify an impounded animal; etc.
HB-57: Animal Shelters - Standards of Operation
Sponsored by: Rep. Mark Chang
Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation; Withdrawn on 02/17/2020
Income Tax Credit - Cat and Dog Adoption [HB-1302]
Allowing an individual who adopts a cat or dog from an animal shelter or a rescue facility a maximum credit of $100 against the State income tax; providing that an individual may not claim the credit for more than 1 taxable year with respect to the same cat or dog; requiring the Comptroller to adopt specified regulations; and applying the Act to taxable years beginning after December 31, 2016.
HB-1302: Income Tax Credit - Cat and Dog Adoption
Sponsored by: Rep. Meagan Simonaire
Hearing 3/08 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/08/2017
Humane Adoption of Companion Animals Used in Research Act of 2017 [HB-528]
Requiring specified research facilities using dogs or cats for scientific research purposes to take specified steps to provide for the adoption of a dog or cat that is no longer needed for research purposes; authorizing specified research facilities to enter into specified agreements with animal rescue organizations for specified purposes; and requiring specified research facilities to submit specified information to the Secretary of Agriculture beginning on December 1, 2018, and each year thereafter.
HB-528: Humane Adoption of Companion Animals Used in Research Act of 2017
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
Hearing 2/21 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/21/2017
Humane Adoption of Companion Animals Used in Research Act of 2017 [SB-420]
Requiring specified research facilities using dogs or cats for scientific research purposes to take specified steps to provide for the adoption of a dog or cat that is no longer needed for research purposes; authorizing specified research facilities to enter into specified agreements with animal rescue organizations for specified purposes; and requiring specified research facilities to submit specified information to the Secretary of Agriculture beginning on December 1, 2018, and each year thereafter.
SB-420: Humane Adoption of Companion Animals Used in Research Act of 2017
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Hearing 2/14 At 1:00 P.m. on 02/14/2017