Circuit Court Real Property Records Improvement Fund - Funding [HB-51]
Extending the termination date from July 1, 2015, to July 1, 2020, of a specified increase in the surcharge on specified recordable instruments that the State Court Administrator is required to establish for the Circuit Court Real Property Records Improvement Fund.
HB-51: Circuit Court Real Property Records Improvement Fund - Funding
Sponsored by: Rep.
Enacted Under Article Ii, Section 17(c) Of The Maryland Constitution - Chapter 487 on 05/30/2015
Task Force to Study the Establishment of Health Courts [HB-402]
Establishing the Task Force to Study the Establishment of Health Courts; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Task Force; requiring the Task Force to study the adequacy and cost of State laws and policies relating to the litigation of medical malpractice cases and make recommendations regarding the establishment of health courts to hear medical malpractice cases and the feasibility of assigning a medical malpractice case to a single judge throughout the litigation process; etc.
HB-402: Task Force to Study the Establishment of Health Courts
Sponsored by: Rep. Samuel Rosenberg
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/19/2015
Civil Right to Counsel - Implementation [HB-348]
Requiring the Governor to include in the budget bill for each fiscal year a specified appropriation to provide legal representation to income-eligible parties in protective order proceedings; establishing a Judicare Pilot Program to provide legal representation to income-eligible parents in contested custody and visitation proceedings in specified jurisdictions; requiring the Governor to include in the budget bill for each fiscal year a specified appropriation to fund the pilot program; etc.
HB-348: Civil Right to Counsel - Implementation
Sponsored by: Rep. Kathleen Dumais
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary; Withdrawn on 03/16/2015
Criminal Law - Energy Drinks - Sale to and Possession by Minors Prohibited [SB-986]
Prohibiting a person from distributing, selling, furnishing, or giving away or offering to sell, furnish, or give away an energy drink to a minor; establishing a specified defense for a prosecution for a specified violation; prohibiting a person from selling or offering to sell an energy drink in a vending machine or any other automatic device; prohibiting a person from providing free samples of energy drinks or coupons for free or discounted energy drinks to minors; etc.
SB-986: Criminal Law - Energy Drinks - Sale to and Possession by Minors Prohibited
Sponsored by: Sen. Brian Feldman
First Reading Senate Rules on 02/10/2014
Courts - Electronic Communications - Privacy [SB-924]
Expanding the application of a provision of law that requires an investigative or law enforcement officer to obtain a specified search warrant in order to require a provider of wire or electronic communication service to disclose the contents of wire or electronic communications system for 180 days or less to a wire or electronic communication that is in electronic storage for any amount of time.
Maryland Cooperative Housing Act - Transparency Requirements and Member Rights [SB-865]
Requiring specified meetings of a cooperative housing corporation to be open to the members of the cooperative housing corporation or their agents; requiring the governing body of a cooperative housing corporation to keep books and records in a specified manner; establishing a specified dispute settlement mechanism for specified complaints or demands arising between specified cooperative housing corporations and their members; etc.
SB-865: Maryland Cooperative Housing Act - Transparency Requirements and Member Rights
Sponsored by: Sen. Joanne Benson
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 567 on 05/15/2014
District Court of Maryland Employees - Collective Bargaining [SB-824]
Establishing collective bargaining rights for specified employees of the District Court of Maryland; establishing a State Judicial Employees Labor Relations Board; providing for the composition, chair, staffing, powers, and duties of the Board; providing for the staggering of terms of the members of the Board; requiring the Board to recognize one statewide bargaining unit; requiring the Board to adopt specified regulations; etc.
SB-824: District Court of Maryland Employees - Collective Bargaining
Sponsored by: Sen. Catherine Pugh
Hearing 3/06 At 1:00 P.m. on 03/06/2014
Criminal Procedure - Electronic Device Location Information - Order [SB-698]
Authorizing a court to issue a specified order authorizing and directing a law enforcement officer to obtain specified location information from a specified electronic device under specified circumstances; providing that a person may not be held civilly liable for complying with the Act by providing location information; etc.
SB-698: Criminal Procedure - Electronic Device Location Information - Order
Sponsored by: Sen. Delores Kelley
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 191 on 04/14/2014
Criminal Law - Illegal Dumping and Litter Control Law - Driver's License - Points [SB-390]
Requiring a court to notify the Motor Vehicle Administration of a specified violation of the Illegal Dumping and Litter Control Law; requiring the Chief Judge of the District Court and the Administrative Office of the Courts, in conjunction with the Administration, to establish specified procedures; requiring that a specified number of driver's license points be assessed against an individual who is convicted of a violation of the Illegal Dumping and Litter Control Law under specified circumstances; etc.
SB-390: Criminal Law - Illegal Dumping and Litter Control Law - Driver's License - Points
Sponsored by: Sen.
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 493 on 05/15/2014
Circuit Court Real Property Records Improvement Fund - Funding [SB-32]
Requiring the State Court Administrator to assess a surcharge on specified fees, charges, and costs in specified cases in the Court of Appeals, Court of Special Appeals, and circuit courts; requiring the Chief Judge of the District Court to assess a surcharge in specified civil cases; and requiring the surcharges to be deposited in the Circuit Court Real Property Records Improvement Fund.
SB-32: Circuit Court Real Property Records Improvement Fund - Funding
Sponsored by: Sen.
Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings on 03/04/2014
Courts - Electronic Communications - Privacy [HB-912]
Expanding the application of a provision of law that requires an investigative or law enforcement officer to obtain a specified search warrant in order to require a provider of wire or electronic communication service to disclose the contents of wire or electronic communication that is in electronic storage in a wire or electronic communications system for 180 days or less to a wire or electronic communication that is in electronic storage for any amount of time.
Criminal Law - Illegal Dumping and Litter Control Law - Driver's License - Points [HB-386]
Requiring a court to notify the Motor Vehicle Administration of a specified violation of the Illegal Dumping and Litter Control Law; requiring the Chief Judge of the District Court and the Administrative Office of the Courts, in conjunction with the Administration, to establish specified procedures; requiring that a specified number of driver's license points be assessed for violations of the Illegal Dumping and Litter Control Law under specified circumstances; etc.
HB-386: Criminal Law - Illegal Dumping and Litter Control Law - Driver's License - Points
Sponsored by: Sen. Nathaniel Oaks
Vetoed By The Governor (duplicative) on 05/15/2014
Maryland Cooperative Housing Act - Transparency Requirements and Member Rights [HB-1328]
Requiring specified meetings of a cooperative housing corporation to be open to the members of the cooperative housing corporation or their agents; requiring the governing body of a cooperative housing corporation to keep books and records in a specified manner, and to cause an audit of the books and records under specified circumstances; establishing a specified dispute settlement mechanism for specified complaints or demands arising between specified cooperative housing corporations and their members; etc.
HB-1328: Maryland Cooperative Housing Act - Transparency Requirements and Member Rights
Sponsored by: Rep. Shawn Tarrant
First Reading Senate Rules on 04/07/2014
District Court of Maryland Employees - Collective Bargaining [HB-1292]
Establishing collective bargaining rights for specified employees of the District Court of Maryland; establishing a State Judicial Employees Labor Relations Board as an independent unit of State government; providing for the staggering of terms of the members of the Board; requiring the Board to recognize one statewide bargaining unit; providing that the Judiciary has the right to determine specified budgetary, employment, and personnel practices; etc.
HB-1292: District Court of Maryland Employees - Collective Bargaining
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Hearing 4/01 At 1:00 P.m. on 04/01/2014
Criminal Law - Energy Drinks - Sale to and Possession by Minors Prohibited [HB-1273]
Prohibiting a person from distributing, selling, furnishing, or giving away or offering to sell, furnish, or give away an energy drink to a minor; establishing a specified defense for a prosecution for a specified violation; prohibiting a person from selling or offering to sell an energy drink in a vending machine or any other automatic device; prohibiting a person from providing free samples of energy drinks or coupons for free or discounted energy drinks to minors; etc.
HB-1273: Criminal Law - Energy Drinks - Sale to and Possession by Minors Prohibited
Sponsored by: Sen. Susan Lee
Unfavorable Report By Economic Matters on 03/15/2014
Criminal Procedure - Electronic Device Location Information - Order [HB-1161]
Authorizing a court to issue a specified order authorizing and directing a law enforcement officer to obtain specified location information from a specified electronic device under specified circumstances; providing that a person may not be held civilly liable for complying with the Act by providing location information; etc.
HB-1161: Criminal Procedure - Electronic Device Location Information - Order
Sponsored by: Sen. Jeff Waldstreicher
Vetoed By The Governor (duplicative) on 05/15/2014
Circuit Court Real Property Records Improvement Fund - Funding [HB-108]
Requiring the State Court Administrator to assess a surcharge on specified fees, charges, and costs in specified cases in the Court of Appeals, Court of Special Appeals, and circuit courts; requiring the Chief Judge of the District Court to assess a surcharge in specified civil cases; and requiring the surcharges to be deposited in the Circuit Court Real Property Records Improvement Fund.
HB-108: Circuit Court Real Property Records Improvement Fund - Funding
Sponsored by: Rep.
Unfavorable Report By Judiciary on 03/10/2014
Criminal Law - Illegal Dumping and Litter Control Law - Penalties [SB-271]
Requiring a court to notify a person who is convicted of a specified litter disposal offense that the person's driver's license may be suspended; requiring a court to notify the Motor Vehicle Administration of a specified violation involving litter disposal; requiring the Chief Judge of the District Court and the Administrative Office of the Courts, in conjunction with the Administration, to establish specified procedures; etc.
SB-271: Criminal Law - Illegal Dumping and Litter Control Law - Penalties
Sponsored by: Sen. Verna Jones-Rodwell
Unfavorable Report By Judicial Proceedings on 03/11/2013
Criminal Procedure - Search Warrants - Location Privacy [HB-887]
Establishing that no agent of the State or a political subdivision of the State shall obtain specified location information concerning the location of an electronic device without a specified search warrant; requiring the agent to provide notice under specified circumstances; providing exceptions; establishing reporting requirements for a specified court; requiring the Administrative Office of the Courts to make specified reports and make specified information available to the public in a specified manner; etc.
Commission on Child Custody Decision Making [HB-687]
Establishing the Commission on Child Custody Decision Making; providing for the composition, chair, and staffing of the Commission; prohibiting a member of the Commission from receiving compensation but authorizing specified reimbursement; requiring the Commission to study the practice, principles, and process for child custody decision making in Maryland; requiring the Commission to submit specified reports to the Governor and the General Assembly, with the final report due on or before December 1, 2014; etc.
HB-687: Commission on Child Custody Decision Making
Sponsored by: Sen. Barbara Robinson
Approved By The Governor - Chapter 633 on 05/16/2013