Relating to sidewalk vendors.

HB 2568 Relating to sidewalk vendors

Oregon 2021 Legislative Measures

Relating to sidewalk vendors.

About HB-2568

Prohibits local government regulation of operations of sidewalk vendors except in compliance with provisions of Act. Prohibits local government regulation of operations of sidewalk vendors except in compliance with provisions of Act. Provides that local governments may not regulate certain aspects of operations of sidewalk vendors unless regulation directly addresses objective concerns about public health, safety or welfare. Permits regulation of certain operations of sidewalk vendors under specified circumstances. Permits only specified punishments for violations of local government regulations. Provides that punishments for violations of local government regulations that do not comply with provisions of Act must be rescinded, reversed, commuted or set aside, as appropriate.


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In Committee Upon Adjournment.


Referred To Business And Labor.


First Reading. Referred To Speaker's Desk.
