Emergency Department Care Coordination Program; established.

SB 1561 Emergency Department Care Coordination Program; established

Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Emergency Department Care Coordination Program; established.

About SB-1561

Emergency Department Care Coordination Program established. Establishes the Emergency Department Care Coordination Program in the Department of Health to provide a single, statewide technology solution that connects all hospital emergency departments in the Commonwealth to facilitate real-time communication and collaboration between physicians, other health care providers, and other clinical and care management personnel for patients receiving services in hospital emergency departments, for the purpose of improving the quality of patient care services. The bill does not become effective unless and until the Commonwealth receives federal Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health (HITECH) Act funds to implement its provisions. This bill is identical to HB 2209.


Bill Texts

Chaptered 03/13/2017

Enrolled 02/22/2017

Engrossed 02/06/2017

Comm Sub 02/13/2017

Comm Sub 02/02/2017

Introduced 01/20/2017

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