Model addiction recovery program; DCJS, et al., to develop.

HB 1845 Model addiction recovery program; DCJS, et al , to develop

Virginia 2017 Regular Session

Model addiction recovery program; DCJS, et al., to develop.

About HB-1845

Department of Criminal Justice Services; model addiction recovery program; jails. Requires the Department of Criminal Justice Services, in consultation with the Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services, to develop a model addiction recovery program that may be administered by sheriffs, deputy sheriffs, jail officers, administrators, or superintendents in any local or regional jail. The bill provides that such programs shall be based on existing addiction recovery programs being administered by any local or regional jails in the Commonwealth and requires that participation in such program be voluntary and that such program address multiple aspects of the recovery process, including medical and clinical recovery, peer-to-peer support, availability of mental health resources, family dynamics, and aftercare aspects of the recovery process.


Bill Texts

Enrolled 03/07/2017

Chaptered 03/24/2017

Prefiled 01/10/2017

Comm Sub 02/02/2017

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