Energy Supply and Distribution Act of 2015 This bill declares that the production and distribution of energy in the United States requires access to infrastructure and markets. The Department of Energy (DOE) must collaborate with federal agencies to improve the conceptual development of energy security, considering at a minimum:
DOE must also coordinate interagency:
It is the sense of Congress that growth in crude oil and dry natural gas production varies significantly across oil and natural gas supply regions, thereby:
The Energy Information Administration must collaborate with officials in Canada and Mexico to reconcile data on energy trade flows, extend energy mapping capabilities, and develop common energy data terminology. Congress declares that processed condensate is a petroleum product. The DOE Office of Fossil Energy Assessment may assess the suitability of condensate separately from crude oil for use in strategic reserves, while certain agencies within the Department of the Interior must assess condensate separately from crude oil. The bill authorizes:
Domestic crude oil or condensate (except crude oil stored in the Strategic Petroleum Reserve) may be exported without a federal license to countries not subject to U.S. sanctions.