Restores property tax exemption for nonprofit hospitals with on-site for-profit medical providers; requires these hospitals to pay community service contributions to host municipalities; establishes Nonprofit Hospital Community Service Contribution Study Commission.

AB 4985 Restores property tax exemption for nonprofit hospitals with on site for profit medical providers; requires these hospitals to pay community service contributions to host municipalities; establishes Nonprofit Hospital Community Service Contribution Study Commission

New Jersey 2016-2017 Regular Session

Restores property tax exemption for nonprofit hospitals with on-site for-profit medical providers; requires these hospitals to pay community service contributions to host municipalities; establishes Nonprofit Hospital Community Service Contribution Study Commission.

About AB-4985

Restores property tax exemption for nonprofit hospitals with on-site for-profit medical providers; requires these hospitals to pay community service contributions to host municipalities; establishes Nonprofit Hospital Community Service Contribution Study Commission.


Bill Texts

Introduced 06/12/2017

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Introduced, Referred To Assembly Housing And Community Development Committee
