Earmark Elimination Act of 2011

S 1930 Earmark Elimination Act of 2011

US Congress 112th Congress

Earmark Elimination Act of 2011

About S.1930

Earmark Elimination Act of 2011 - Makes it out of order in the Senate to consider a bill or resolution introduced in either chamber or any other measure that includes an earmark. Permits waiver of any or all such points of order by an affirmative vote of two-thirds of the Members. Makes this Act inapplicable to any authorization of appropriations to a federal entity if such authorization is not specifically targeted to a state, locality, or congressional district.


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Introduced 12/03/2011

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Read The Second Time. Placed On Senate Legislative Calendar Under General Orders. Calendar No. 243.


Introduced In The Senate. Read The First Time. Placed On Senate Legislative Calendar Under Read The First Time.
