Patient Choice and Quality Care Act of 2017

S 1334 Patient Choice and Quality Care Act of 2017

US Congress 115th Congress

Patient Choice and Quality Care Act of 2017

About S.1334

Patient Choice and Quality Care Act of 2017 This bill requires the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services to create and test a new Medicare model for advanced illness and care management that would enable certain Medicare beneficiaries with serious, chronic progressive, or advanced illnesses, to voluntarily engage in a planning process to obtain specialized care consistent with their health care goals. At least one participant in this model must be a hospice program. The model requires an interdisciplinary team comprised of physicians, nurses, and social workers to work together to provide beneficiaries and their caregivers with information and services on disease trajectory, treatment options, and available care. Information on advance care planning must be included in the Medicare & You Handbook. The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) must:

  • (1) award grants to certain public or private entities to increase awareness of advance care planning and advanced illness care,
  • (2) establish the Advance Care Planning Advisory Council to advise HHS on issues relating to advanced and terminal illnesses, and
  • (3) issue an annual report analyzing the circumstances of deceased Medicare beneficiaries.


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Introduced 06/19/2017

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