HONEST Act Honest and Open New EPA Science Treatment Act of

HB 1430 HONEST Act Honest and Open New EPA Science Treatment Act of

US Congress 115th Congress

HONEST Act Honest and Open New EPA Science Treatment Act of

About HB-1430
HB-1430 sections

HONEST Act Honest and Open New EPA Science Treatment Act of

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Section 2

This bill amends the Environmental Research, Development, and Demonstration Authorization Act of 1978 to prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency from proposing, finalizing, or disseminating a covered action unless all scientific and technical information relied on to support such action is the best available science, specifically identified, and publicly available in a manner sufficient for independent analysis and substantial reproduction of research results. A covered action includes a risk, exposure, or hazard assessment, criteria document, standard, limitation, regulation, regulatory impact analysis, or guidance. Personally identifiable information, trade secrets, or commercial or financial information obtained from a person and privileged or confidential must be redacted prior to public availability.


Bill Texts

Engrossed 03/30/2017

Introduced 03/25/2017

Introduced 03/09/2017

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