Relating to use of compensatory education allotment funding to provide assistance to students at risk of dropping out of school who are pregnant or who are parents and to reporting through the Public Education Information Management System.

HB 314 Relating to use of compensatory education allotment funding to provide assistance to students at risk of dropping out of school who are pregnant or who are parents and to reporting through the Public Education Information Management System

Texas 86th Legislature Regular Session

Relating to use of compensatory education allotment funding to provide assistance to students at risk of dropping out of school who are pregnant or who are parents and to reporting through the Public Education Information Management System.

About HB-314

Relating to use of compensatory education allotment funding to provide assistance to students at risk of dropping out of school who are pregnant or who are parents and to reporting through the Public Education Information Management System.


Bill Texts

Comm Sub 03/12/2019

Engrossed 04/16/2019

Introduced 11/13/2018

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