Housing Authorities - Consolidation or Merger - Talbot County and St. Michaels

SB 542 Housing Authorities Consolidation or Merger Talbot County and St Michaels

Maryland 2011 Regular Session

Housing Authorities - Consolidation or Merger - Talbot County and St. Michaels

About SB-542

Authorizing the Housing Commission of Talbot County and the St. Michaels Housing Authority to unite by consolidation or merger to form one authority; requiring the unification of the Housing Commission of Talbot County and the St. Michaels Housing Authority to be initiated by the passage of a proposal of unification by the legislative body of the Town of Easton and the legislative body of the Town of St. Michaels; requiring the appointment of a specified commission to draft proposed articles of organization for a proposed authority; etc.


Bill Texts

Engrossed 03/15/2011

Introduced 02/08/2011

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