Economic Development - More Jobs for Marylanders Program - Extension and Alterations

SB 391 Economic Development More Jobs for Marylanders Program Extension and Alterations

Maryland 2022 Regular Session

Economic Development - More Jobs for Marylanders Program - Extension and Alterations

About SB-391

Establishing the purpose of the More Jobs for Marylanders Program; altering the circumstances under which and the period of time for which the Department of Commerce may provide a qualified business entity a certificate certifying that an eligible project is enrolled in the Program; altering eligibility for enrollment in the Program and for certain benefits under the Program; prohibiting the Department from awarding initial tax credit certificates exceeding $5,000,000 on or after June 1, 2022; etc.


Bill Texts

Chaptered 05/02/2022

Enrolled 04/14/2022

Engrossed 03/08/2022

Introduced 01/25/2022

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