Proposing a constitutional amendment providing requirements for the exercise of the power of impeachment by the House of Representatives and providing that officers against whom articles of impeachment are preferred receive pay during the pendency of impeachment proceedings.

HJR 8 Proposing a constitutional amendment providing requirements for the exercise of the power of impeachment by the House of Representatives and providing that officers against whom articles of impeachment are preferred receive pay during the pendency of impeachment proceedings

Texas 88th Legislature 4th Special Session

Proposing a constitutional amendment providing requirements for the exercise of the power of impeachment by the House of Representatives and providing that officers against whom articles of impeachment are preferred receive pay during the pendency of impeachment proceedings.

About HJR-8

Proposing a constitutional amendment providing requirements for the exercise of the power of impeachment by the House of Representatives and providing that officers against whom articles of impeachment are preferred receive pay during the pendency of impeachment proceedings.


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Introduced 11/09/2023

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