Legislature; other; budget process; require legislature to present all general appropriation bills to the governor by July 1 and require forfeiture of legislators' salaries for failure to present those bills by that date. Amends sec. 31, art. IV & adds sec. 55 to art. IV of the state constitution.

SJR 0 Legislature; other; budget process; require legislature to present all general appropriation bills to the governor by July 1 and require forfeiture of legislators' salaries for failure to present those bills by that date Amends sec 31, art IV & adds sec 55 to art IV of the state constitution

Michigan 96th Legislature

Legislature; other; budget process; require legislature to present all general appropriation bills to the governor by July 1 and require forfeiture of legislators' salaries for failure to present those bills by that date. Amends sec. 31, art. IV & adds sec. 55 to art. IV of the state constitution.

About SJR-0

Legislature; other; budget process; require legislature to present all general appropriation bills to the governor by July 1 and require forfeiture of legislators' salaries for failure to present those bills by that date. Amends sec. 31, art. IV & adds sec. 55 to art. IV of the state constitution.


Bill Texts

Introduced 02/08/2011

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