Federal Employees Paid Parental Leave Act of 2017 This bill allows executive branch employees to substitute any available paid leave for any leave without pay for either:
It makes available for any of the 12 weeks of leave an employee is entitled to for such purposes:
The bill authorizes the Office of Personnel Management to promulgate regulations to increase the amount of paid parental leave to a total of 12 administrative workweeks. Such regulations must consider certain factors, including benefit and cost to the federal government. The personnel management system for employees of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) shall include family and medical leave (including paid parental leave) for any leave without pay. The bill amends the Congressional Accountability Act of 1995 and the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 to allow the same substitution for covered congressional employees, Government Accountability Office (GAO) employees, and Library of Congress employees. Service in the National Guard or the Reserves by executive branch employees, TSA employees, congressional employees, and GAO or Library of Congress employees shall count as service for purposes of determining eligibility to take or substitute leave as allowed under this bill.