Requires the court to inquire of the defendant and the prosecutor as to the existence and location of any firearm, rifle or shotgun reasonably believed to be owned or possessed by the defendant, and the prosecutor will make reasonable efforts to obtain such information regarding the same and present it to the court.

AB 8105 Requires the court to inquire of the defendant and the prosecutor as to the existence and location of any firearm, rifle or shotgun reasonably believed to be owned or possessed by the defendant, and the prosecutor will make reasonable efforts to obtain such information regarding the same and present it to the court

New York 2021-2022 General Assembly

Requires the court to inquire of the defendant and the prosecutor as to the existence and location of any firearm, rifle or shotgun reasonably believed to be owned or possessed by the defendant, and the prosecutor will make reasonable efforts to obtain such information regarding the same and present it to the court.

About AB-8105

Requires the court to inquire of the defendant and the prosecutor as to the existence and location of any firearm, rifle or shotgun reasonably believed to be owned or possessed by the defendant, and the prosecutor will make reasonable efforts to obtain such information regarding the same and present it to the court.


Bill Texts

Amended 06/11/2021

Amended 06/11/2021

Introduced 06/11/2021

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Substituted By S6443b


Amended On Third Reading 8105b


Advanced To Third Reading Cal.609




Amend And Recommit To Codes


Print Number 8105a


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