Public Schools - School Vehicles - Three-Point Seat Belts

HB 1473 Public Schools School Vehicles Three Point Seat Belts

Maryland 2016 Regular Session

Public Schools - School Vehicles - Three-Point Seat Belts

About HB-1473

Requiring a specified public school safety education program to include student instruction on school vehicle safety and the use of seat belts; prohibiting specified persons from allowing pupils to stand in a school vehicle while the school vehicle is in motion; requiring that specified school vehicles purchased after January 1, 2018, be equipped with seat belts, as specified; prohibiting a person from operating a school vehicle unless the person and occupants under age 16 are restrained by a seat belt; etc.


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Introduced 02/15/2016

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Unfavorable Report By Environment And Transportation


Hearing 3/03 At 1:00 P.m.


First Reading Environment And Transportation
