Companion Animal Surgical Sterilization Program and Fund; established and created.

SB 31 Companion Animal Surgical Sterilization Program and Fund; established and created

Virginia 2024 Regular Session

Companion Animal Surgical Sterilization Program and Fund; established and created.

About SB-31

Companion Animal Surgical Sterilization Program and Fund established. Establishes the Companion Animal Surgical Sterilization Program and Fund to reimburse participating veterinarians for the surgical sterilizations they perform on eligible cats or dogs. The bill provides that a surcharge of $50 per ton of pet food distributed in the Commonwealth be deposited in the Fund and such pet food be exempted from the existing litter tax. An animal will be eligible for sterilization under the Program if it is a feral or free-roaming cat or is owned by a low-income individual or a releasing agency such as an animal shelter.


Bill Texts

Prefiled 12/12/2023

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Sponsors (2)


Senate: Continued to 2025 in Finance and Appropriations (10-Y 5-N)


Yeas: 10 | Nays: 5
Support by Party


Senate: Reported from Agriculture, Conservation and Natural Resources with amendment (9-Y 6-N)


Yeas: 9 | Nays: 6
Support by Party


Sponsors by party


Bill Sponsors


Continued To 2025 In Finance And Appropriations (10-y 5-n)


Reported From Agriculture, Conservation And Natural Resources With Amendment (9-y 6-n)


Rereferred To Finance And Appropriations


Assigned Acnr Sub: Companion Animals


Prefiled And Ordered Printed; Offered 01/10/24 24102050d


Referred To Committee On Agriculture, Conservation And Natural Resources
