State Employee and Retiree Health and Welfare Benefits Program - Health Benefits - Required Participation in the Individual Exchange by Carriers

HB 195 State Employee and Retiree Health and Welfare Benefits Program Health Benefits Required Participation in the Individual Exchange by Carriers

Maryland 2020 Regular Session

State Employee and Retiree Health and Welfare Benefits Program - Health Benefits - Required Participation in the Individual Exchange by Carriers

About HB-195

Prohibiting carriers from offering health benefits under the Maryland State Employee and Retiree Health and Welfare Benefits Program unless the carrier also offers certain qualified health benefit plans through the Individual Exchange of the Maryland Health Benefit Exchange; exempting a carrier from the requirement to offer certain qualified health benefit plans through the Individual Exchange under certain circumstances; etc.


Bill Texts

Introduced 01/16/2020

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Unfavorable Report By Health And Government Operations; Withdrawn


Hearing Canceled


Hearing 2/13 At 1:00 P.m.


First Reading Health And Government Operations
