Prioritize Housing for Homeless Veterans Act of 2017

HB 3313 Prioritize Housing for Homeless Veterans Act of 2017

US Congress 115th Congress

Prioritize Housing for Homeless Veterans Act of 2017

About HB-3313

Prioritize Housing for Homeless Veterans Act of 2017 7 This bill requires the Department of Housing and Urban Development, in making certain Veterans Affairs-Supported Housing program funds available among public-housing agencies (PHAs) for rental voucher assistance for homeless veterans who have chronic mental illnesses or chronic substance-use disorders, to:

  • (1) consider, together with current factors, the extent of availability in the areas served by PHAs of housing that is affordable to low-income families; and
  • (2) give priority to metropolitan areas having an efficiency fair-market rent that has increased by more than 10% over the most recent five-year period for which such information is available.


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Introduced 07/28/2017

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