Parole; notice and certification, monthly reports, discretionary early consideration.

HB 2167 Parole; notice and certification, monthly reports, discretionary early consideration

Virginia 2021 Special I

Parole; notice and certification, monthly reports, discretionary early consideration.

About HB-2167

Parole; notice and certification; monthly reports; discretionary early consideration. Provides that the Department of Corrections shall set the release date for an inmate granted discretionary parole or conditional release no sooner than 30 business days from the date that the Department of Corrections receives notification from the Chairman of the Parole Board of the Board's decision to grant discretionary parole or conditional release, except that the Department of Corrections may set an earlier release date in the case of a terminally ill inmate granted conditional release. The bill provides that in the case of an inmate granted parole who was convicted of a felony and sentenced to a term of 10 or more years, or an inmate granted conditional release, the Board shall notify the attorney for the Commonwealth in the jurisdiction where the inmate was sentenced (i) by electronic means at least 21 business days prior to such inmate's release that such inmate has been granted discretionary parole or conditional release or (ii) by telephone or other electronic means prior to release that a terminally ill inmate has been granted conditional release where death is imminent. Parole; notice and certification; monthly reports; discretionary early consideration. Provides that the Department of Corrections shall set the release date for an inmate granted discretionary parole or conditional release no sooner than 30 business days from the date that the Department of Corrections receives notification from the Chairman of the Parole Board of the Board's decision to grant discretionary parole or conditional release, except that the Department of Corrections may set an earlier release date in the case of a terminally ill inmate granted conditional release. The bill provides that in the case of an inmate granted parole who was convicted of a felony and sentenced to a term of 10 or more years, or an inmate granted conditional release, the Board shall notify the attorney for the Commonwealth in the jurisdiction where the inmate was sentenced (i) by electronic means at least 21 business days prior to such inmate's release that such inmate has been granted discretionary parole or conditional release or (ii) by telephone or other electronic means prior to release that a terminally ill inmate has been granted conditional release where death is imminent. The bill requires that the monthly reports issued by the Board regarding actions taken on the parole of prisoners (a) be published on the fifteenth day of the month and (b) include the name of each prisoner considered for parole, the offense of which the prisoner was convicted, the jurisdiction in which such offense was committed, the amount of time the prisoner has served, whether the prisoner was granted or denied parole, and the basis for the grant or denial of parole. However, in the case of a prisoner granted parole, the bill provides that such information shall be included in the statement published in the month immediately succeeding the month in which notification of such decision was given to the attorney for the Commonwealth and any victim. The bill also provides that if additional victim research is necessary, electronic notification shall be sent to the attorney for the Commonwealth and the director of the victim/witness program, if one exists, of the jurisdiction in which the offense occurred. The bill provides that the provisions regarding the monthly reports issued by the Board shall become effective on July 1, 2022.


Bill Texts

Chaptered 04/07/2021

Enrolled 04/07/2021

Enrolled 03/09/2021

Comm Sub 02/12/2021

Prefiled 01/12/2021

Comm Sub 02/03/2021

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