Natural Resources - Shellfish Nursery Operations - Wetlands License Requirements

HB 28 Natural Resources Shellfish Nursery Operations Wetlands License Requirements

Maryland 2019 Regular Session

Natural Resources - Shellfish Nursery Operations - Wetlands License Requirements

About HB-28

Exempting certain activities and the use of certain equipment that is associated with a shellfish nursery operation from the requirement to obtain certain licenses or permits; establishing that the use of certain equipment associated with a shellfish nursery operation is not included as a nonwater-dependent project for the purposes of obtaining a tidal or State wetlands license; providing that the installation of certain equipment for the cultivation of shellfish seed under a certain permit is a lawful use on private wetlands; etc.


Bill Texts

Introduced 12/20/2018

Engrossed 02/20/2019

Chaptered 05/13/2019

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