Fair Debt Collection Practices for Servicemembers Act Private Loan Disability Discharge Act of 2021 Consumer Protection for Medical Debt Collections Act Ending Debt Collection Harassment Act of 2021 Stop Debt Collection Abuse Act of 2021 Debt Collection Practices Harmonization Act Non-Judicial Foreclosure Debt Collection Clarification Act Securing Consumers Against Misrepresented Debt Act of 2021 SCAM Debt Act Ryan Frascone Memorial Student Loan Relief Act of 2021 Small Business Lending Fairness Act

HB 2547 Fair Debt Collection Practices for Servicemembers Act Private Loan Disability Discharge Act of 2021 Consumer Protection for Medical Debt Collections Act Ending Debt Collection Harassment Act of 2021 Stop Debt Collection Abuse Act of 2021 Debt Collection Practices Harmonization Act Non Judicial Foreclosure Debt Collection Clarification Act Securing Consumers Against Misrepresented Debt Act of 2021 SCAM Debt Act Ryan Frascone Memorial Student Loan Relief Act of 2021 Small Business Lending Fairness Act

US Congress 117th Congress

Fair Debt Collection Practices for Servicemembers Act Private Loan Disability Discharge Act of 2021 Consumer Protection for Medical Debt Collections Act Ending Debt Collection Harassment Act of 2021 Stop Debt Collection Abuse Act of 2021 Debt Collection Practices Harmonization Act Non-Judicial Foreclosure Debt Collection Clarification Act Securing Consumers Against Misrepresented Debt Act of 2021 SCAM Debt Act Ryan Frascone Memorial Student Loan Relief Act of 2021 Small Business Lending Fairness Act

About HB-2547

To expand and enhance consumer, student, servicemember, and small business protections with respect to debt collection practices, and for other purposes.


Bill Texts

Engrossed 05/18/2021

Introduced 05/01/2021

Introduced 04/16/2021

Weigh In

Votes for: 0 Votes against: 2

Sponsors (8)