Landlord and Tenant - Notice of Utility Bills in Residential Leases - Gas and Electric Services

HB 139 Landlord and Tenant Notice of Utility Bills in Residential Leases Gas and Electric Services

Maryland 2024 Regular Session

Landlord and Tenant - Notice of Utility Bills in Residential Leases - Gas and Electric Services

About HB-139

Adding gas and electric utility services to the types of services for which landlords of buildings that contain six or more residential units are required to provide a written notice to a tenant, before the initiation of a lease and each term thereafter, notifying the tenant of the total utility costs billed to the landlord in the immediately preceding year, disaggregated by utility type; and applying certain requirements relating to payment of utility services to landlords of buildings that contain five or fewer residential dwelling units.


Bill Texts

Chaptered 05/02/2024

Enrolled 04/10/2024

Engrossed 02/20/2024

Introduced 01/08/2024

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