Parolee or felon; arrest & return when serving a period of postrelease supervision.

SB 1245 Parolee or felon; arrest & return when serving a period of postrelease supervision

Virginia 2023 Regular Session

Parolee or felon; arrest & return when serving a period of postrelease supervision.

About SB-1245

Arrest and return of parolee or felon serving a period of postrelease supervision. Directs the circuit court of the sentencing jurisdiction to initiate proceedings against a felon serving a period of postrelease supervision upon a showing of a violation or probable violation of any of the terms or conditions of his release. Under current law, the Chairman or any member of the Parole Board initiates such proceedings.


Bill Texts

Comm Sub 02/20/2023

Prefiled 01/10/2023

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