Condemning the Government of Iran's state-sponsored persecution of its Baha'i minority and its continued violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

HR 744 Condemning the Government of Iran's state sponsored persecution of its Baha'i minority and its continued violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights

US Congress 117th Congress

Condemning the Government of Iran's state-sponsored persecution of its Baha'i minority and its continued violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.

About HR-744

Condemning the Government of Iran's state-sponsored persecution of its Baha'i minority and its continued violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.


Bill Texts

Engrossed 12/02/2022

Introduced 10/26/2021

Weigh In

Votes for: 64 Votes against: 12

Sponsors (88)

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Pursuant To The Provisions Of H. Res. 1499, Proceedings On H. Res. 744 Are Considered Vacated.


Pursuant To Section 5 Of H. Res. 1499, And The Motion Offered By Mr. Hoyer, The Following Bills Passed Under Suspension Of The Rules: H.r. 4601, As Amended; H.r. 4772, As Amended; H.r. 4899; H.r. 5943, As Amended; H.r. 7158, As Amended; H.r. 8203; H.r. 9308; And S. 3825; And The Following Resolutions Were Agreed To Under Suspension Of The Rules: H. Res. 744, As Amended; And H. Res. 922, As Amended. (consideration: Cr H8696-8700; Text: Cr H8698-8699)


Ms. Jacobs (ca) Moved To Suspend The Rules And Agree To The Resolution, As Amended.


Considered Under Suspension Of The Rules.


Debate - The House Proceeded With Forty Minutes Of Debate On H. Res. 744.


At The Conclusion Of Debate, The Yeas And Nays Were Demanded And Ordered. Pursuant To The Provisions Of Clause 8, Rule Xx, The Chair Announced That Further Proceedings On The Motion Would Be Postponed.


Assuming First Sponsorship - Ms. Schakowsky Asked Unanimous Consent That She May Hereafter Be Considered As The First Sponsor Of H. Res. 744, A Bill Originally Introduced By Representative Deutch, For The Purpose Of Adding Cosponsors And Requesting Reprintings Pursuant To Clause 7 Of Rule Xii. Agreed To Without Objection.


Considered Under Suspension Of The Rules. (consideration: Cr H8631-8633; Text: Cr H8631-8632)


Ordered To Be Reported In The Nature Of A Substitute (amended) By Voice Vote.


Committee Consideration And Mark-up Session Held.


Subcommittee On Middle East, North Africa And Global Counterterrorism Discharged.


Referred To The Subcommittee On Middle East, North Africa And Global Counterterrorism.


Introduced In House


Referred To The House Committee On Foreign Affairs.
