Income Tax – Capital Gains, Dividends, and Foreign–Derived Intangible Income – Alterations (Investing in Marylanders Act of 2023)

HB 337 Income Tax – Capital Gains, Dividends, and Foreign–Derived Intangible Income – Alterations (Investing in Marylanders Act of 2023)

Maryland 2023 Regular Session

Income Tax – Capital Gains, Dividends, and Foreign–Derived Intangible Income – Alterations (Investing in Marylanders Act of 2023)

About HB-337

Providing for an additional State individual income tax rate on the net capital gains of individuals; providing addition modifications under the Maryland income tax for certain deductions for foreign income under the Internal Revenue Code; altering a certain addition modification for certain corporate interest expenses and intangible expenses; altering a certain subtraction modification for certain dividends from a foreign corporation to preclude inclusion of certain income treated as dividends under the Internal Revenue Code; etc.


Bill Texts

Introduced 01/25/2023

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First Reading Ways And Means


Hearing 2/09 At 1:00 P.m.
