HB 1003 Resolve, Directing the Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability To Perform a Performance Evaluation and Cost benefit Analysis of the Dirigo Health Program
Maine 124th Legislature
Resolve, Directing the Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability To Perform a Performance Evaluation and Cost-benefit Analysis of the Dirigo Health Program
About HB-1003
Resolve, Directing the Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability To Perform a Performance Evaluation and Cost-benefit Analysis of the Dirigo Health Program
You have voted HB-1003: Resolve, Directing the Office of Program Evaluation and Government Accountability To Perform a Performance Evaluation and Cost-benefit Analysis of the Dirigo Health Program.
(s) Pursuant To Joint Rule 310.3 Placed In Legislative Files (dead)
(h) Committee On Insurance And Financial Services Suggested And Ordered Printed.
(h) The Resolve Was Referred To The Committee On Insurance And Financial Services.
(h) Sent For Concurrence. Ordered Sent Forthwith.
(s) Under Suspension Of The Rules On Motion By Senator Bowman Of York, Referred To The Committee On Insurance And Financial Services And Ordered Printed, In Concurrence.