To ensure that the percentage increase in rates of basic pay for prevailing wage employees shall be equal to the percentage increase received by other Federal employees in the same pay locality, and for other purposes.

HB 485 To ensure that the percentage increase in rates of basic pay for prevailing wage employees shall be equal to the percentage increase received by other Federal employees in the same pay locality, and for other purposes

US Congress 114th Congress

To ensure that the percentage increase in rates of basic pay for prevailing wage employees shall be equal to the percentage increase received by other Federal employees in the same pay locality, and for other purposes.

About HB-485

To ensure that the percentage increase in rates of basic pay for prevailing wage employees shall be equal to the percentage increase received by other Federal employees in the same pay locality, and for other purposes. Prohibits any prevailing rate employee in a federal agency, between January 1 and September 30, 2015, from being paid an amount exceeding specified limits resulting from an applicable wage survey adjustment. Prohibits the percentage increase in wages paid to a prevailing wage employee in FY2015 from being less than the percentage increase in the basic pay of other federal employees in the same pay locality.


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Introduced 01/29/2015

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