Saving Lives, Saving Costs Act

HB 2603 Saving Lives, Saving Costs Act

US Congress 114th Congress

Saving Lives, Saving Costs Act

About HB-2603

Saving Lives, Saving Costs Act Establishes a framework for health care liability lawsuits to undergo review by independent medical review panels if health care professionals (practicing physicians or their agents or employees) allege adherence to applicable clinical practice guidelines. Requires the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to publish clinical practice guidelines provided and maintained by national or state medical societies or medical specialty societies designated by HHS. Sets forth standards for the development of guidelines, including standards related to transparency, the composition of the panel, and the review of existing evidence. Prohibits holding a professional organization or a participant in guideline development liable for injury allegedly caused by adherence to a guideline to which they contributed. Declares that this Act does not preempt:

  • (1) any state or federal law that imposes greater procedural or substantive protections for health care providers and health care organizations from liability, loss, or damages than those provided under this Act;
  • (2) any state or federal law that creates a cause of action; or
  • (3) any defenses otherwise available

Gives jurisdiction of health care liability actions against health care professionsals, providers, or organizations to district courts. Allows a defendant to remove any health care liability action brought in a state court to a district court. Requires an independent medical review in health care liability actions that have been removed to a district court if the eligible professionals allege that they adhered to applicable clinical practice guidelines. Sets forth procedures for the use of the panel's findings at trial.


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Introduced 06/04/2015

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Bill Sponsors


Referred To The Subcommittee On The Constitution And Civil Justice.


Referred To The Subcommittee On Health.


Introduced In House


Referred To The Committee On Energy And Commerce, And In Addition To The Committee On The Judiciary, For A Period To Be Subsequently Determined By The Speaker, In Each Case For Consideration Of Such Provisions As Fall Within The Jurisdiction Of The Committee Concerned.


Referred To House Energy And Commerce


Referred To House Judiciary
