Veteran Debt Relief During COVID–19 Act of 2020

S 3887 Veteran Debt Relief During COVID–19 Act of 2020

US Congress 116th Congress

Veteran Debt Relief During COVID–19 Act of 2020

About S.3887

Defers certain debts arising from benefits under laws administered by the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) during the covered period, which is the COVID-19 (i.e., coronavirus disease 2019) emergency period plus the 60 days following the end of such period. Specifically, the bill prohibits the VA from doing the following during the covered period: collecting or recording certain debts, issuing notice of certain debts to a person or consumer reporting agency, allowing any interest to accrue on certain debts, or applying any administrative fee to certain debts. The VA may collect a payment from a person who elects to make such payment during the covered period.


Bill Texts

Introduced 07/06/2020

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