Public Health - Abortions - Coercion (Coercive Abuse Against Mothers Prevention Act)

HB 1167 Public Health Abortions Coercion (Coercive Abuse Against Mothers Prevention Act)

Maryland 2022 Regular Session

Public Health - Abortions - Coercion (Coercive Abuse Against Mothers Prevention Act)

About HB-1167

Prohibiting an individual from committing or threatening certain actions with the intent of coercing a pregnant woman to have an abortion; providing that a pregnant minor is considered an emancipated minor for purposes of eligibility for public assistance if the minor is denied financial support from a parent or guardian due to the minor's refusal to have an abortion; requiring a health care facility that performs abortions to post certain signs in certain rooms of the facility; etc.


Bill Texts

Introduced 02/14/2022

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