Medicaid HOME Improvement Act Medicaid Home Owner Maximum Equity Improvement Act

HB 1082 Medicaid HOME Improvement Act Medicaid Home Owner Maximum Equity Improvement Act

US Congress 115th Congress

Medicaid HOME Improvement Act Medicaid Home Owner Maximum Equity Improvement Act

About HB-1082

Medicaid HOME Improvement Act Medicaid Home Owner Maximum Equity Improvement Act This bill amends title XIX (Medicaid) of the Social Security Act to disallow a state from using, for purposes of determining Medicaid eligibility for long-term care assistance, a home equity limit that exceeds the statutory minimum. Current law allows a state Medicaid program to set its maximum home equity limit at any amount between a specified range. The bill disallows a program from setting its limit above the amount that represents, under current law, the bottom of that range.


Bill Texts

Introduced 02/23/2017

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